Yumove Advance 360 Joint Care Dog Supplement 120s


貨號: 5060144752383 分類: ,


  • 支持關節的新陳代謝
  • 支持關節結構
  • 提升活動力
選用優骼服加強版360 犬用關節補充品前的5個問題
  1. 您的狗是否因關節僵硬而看獸醫?
  2. 您的獸醫有否在推薦關節補充劑?
  3. 你的狗過去有沒有使用過優骼服,但未能得到顯著功效?
  4. 他們是否在起床時遇到困難?
  5. 你的狗年老嗎?
這些可能表明您的狗的關節需要用到優骼服加強版360犬用關節補充品。優骼服加強版360 犬用關節補充品如何支撐狗的關節?在骨關節炎的情況下為關節的新陳代謝提供支持ActivEase®綠唇青口自新西蘭水晶般清澈的海水,提供了保證且高度濃縮的獨特Omega 3脂肪酸來源。 優骼服加強版360 貓用關節補充品與純淨魚油互相結合,可提供Omega 3脂肪酸EPA和DHA的其他來源,從而為您提供我們作用最快,濃度最高的配方。這些增加的水平共同作用,有助於貓的新陳代謝具有天然的抗炎作用,以支撐僵硬的關節。支持關節結構葡萄糖胺是軟骨的主要組成部分-保護關節的堅韌結締組織。軟骨素的構成要素速效N-乙酰基-D-葡萄糖胺與ActivEase®青口的天然軟骨素相結合,可保持健康的關節結構。錳有助於軟骨,肌腱和韌帶中膠原蛋白的形成。促進活動性透明質酸是滑液的主要組成部分,有助於在2小時內潤滑和緩衝關節。抗氧化劑維生素E維生素E含量增加,可優化Omega 3的代謝併中和自由基,從而最大程度地提高流動性。是什麼讓優骼服加強版360 犬用關節補充品如此獨特?是一個成功的組合,可提高Omega 3s的水平優骼服加強版360關節補充品系列得益於ActivEase®綠色青口提取物的新奇獨特的組合,以及新型的可生物利用的高純度魚油,可提供有保證且高度濃縮的Omega 3 EFA來源,以舒緩關節僵硬。為了提供我們至今為止最先進的配方,優骼服加強版360關節補充品還包括增加的維生素E水平,以提供針對自由基的顯著保護,從而最大限度地提高活動性。此補充品不含維生素C,可避免形成草酸鹽晶體的風險。
PRODUCT SIZE: 120 chewable tablet
Our most concentrated and fastest-acting formula, to support the metabolism of joints in the case of osteoarthritis. With extra ActivEase® Green Lipped Mussel and Omega 3 essential fatty acids, this unique formula supports joints and helps to keep dog moving comfortably.For the support of the metabolism of joints in the case of osteoarthritis.
  • Aids the body’s own anti-inflammatory process
  • Soothes stiff joints and supports joint structure
  • Promotes mobility
5 questions to ask before you opt for YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 for Dogs:
  1. Is your dog under veterinary supervision for joint stiffness?
  2. Has your vet recommended a joint supplement alongside their joint care plan?
  3. Has your dog been on YuMOVE in the past, but it’s no longer helping as much as it used to?
  4. Are they struggling to manage a daily walk?
  5. Is your dog elderly?
These can be signs that your dogs joints need the extra support YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 for Dogs provides.For the support of the metabolism of joints in the case of osteoarthritis ActivEase® Green Lipped Mussel, sourced from the crystal-clear waters of New Zealand, provides a guaranteed and highly-concentrated source of unique Omega 3 fatty acids. Combined with purified fish oil, YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 for Dogs provides an additional source of the Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, to give you our fastest-acting and most concentrated formula yet. Working together, these increased levels aid the natural anti-inflammatory action of the dog’s metabolism to support stiff joints.Supports joint structure Glucosamine provides the major building blocks of cartilage – the tough connective tissue that protects the joint. Fast-acting N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, the building block of Chondroitin, combined with natural Chondroitin from ActivEase® Green Lipped Mussel maintains healthy joint structure. Manganese supports collagen formation in the cartilage, tendons and ligaments.Promotes mobility Hyaluronic Acid is a major part of the synovial fluid which helps lubricate and cushion the joint within 2 hours. Antioxidant Vitamin E optimises the metabolism of Omega 3 and neutralises free radicals to maximise mobility.What makes YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 for Dogs so unique? A winning combination to boost levels of Omega 3sThe YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 range benefits from the new and unique combination of ActivEase® Green Lipped Mussel extract, and a new highly bioavailable purified fish oil to provide a guaranteed and highly concentrated source of Omega 3 EFAs to soothe stiff joints.To provide out most advance formula yet, YuMOVE ADVANCE 360 also included increased levels of Vitamin E to provide significant protection against free radicals to maximize mobility.
PRODUCT SIZE: 120 chewable tablet

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