VetPlus Coatex Medicated Shampoo 250ml




Coatex Medicated Shampoo是一種溫和而有效的洗髮水,可在獸醫的指導下在各種情況下使用。


細菌滋生 通常是由於不經常清洗導致皮膚上天然存在的細菌過度生長所致皮膚問題 狗狗最常見的健康問題之一被毛健康 有時狗的皮毛品質很差,可能是從輕微稀疏到局部除毛真菌生長 通常是由皮膚上天然存在的一種酵母過度生長引起的。或真菌病原體,例如癬


  • 暗色外套
  • 皮膚乾燥或發紅
  • 鱗狀或片狀皮膚
  • 搔癢
  • 頭髮生長不良
  • 皮膚發紅或潮濕的區域
洗滌說明: 我們建議遵循以下為寵物洗頭的指南,以確保有效使用該產品:
  1. 使用冷水 – 為避免讓您的寵物感到不安,請使用室溫的水
  2. 初次塗抹 – 將洗髮精輕輕按摩到寵物的皮毛上,同時不斷加水以幫助分散。繼續,直到看到大量泡沫
  3. 徹底沖洗 – 使用室溫水
  4. 第二次塗抹 – 將洗髮精輕輕按摩到寵物的皮毛上
  5. 等待 – 留在外套上五到十分鐘
  6. 最後沖洗-徹底沖洗你的寵物,確保沖洗耳朵和腹部周圍
  7. 正確擦乾-準備幾條溫暖的乾毛巾來擦乾你的寵物
Coatex Medicated Shampoo is a gentle yet effective shampoo for use in a variety of situations under the guidance of a vet. It contains unique antibacterial and yeast fighting properties to help control skin problems.

What Can Lead To Poor Coat Health?

Bacteria Build Up Typically caused by infrequent washing which leads to an over-growth of bacteria that naturally live on the skinSkin Complaints One of the most common health problem in dogsCoat Health Sometimes dogs have a poor coat quality, which may be anything from mild thinning through to areas of hair lossFungal Growth Usually caused by an over-growth of a type of yeast that naturally lives on the skin. Or fungal pathogens, such as ringworm

Signs Of Poor Coat Health

There are many signs of potential coat health problems in dogs, some of which may lead to skin complaints.  The main ones to look out for are:
  • Dull coat
  • Dry or reddened skin
  • Scaly or flaky skin
  • Itchiness
  • Poor hair growth
  • Areas of red or moist skin
WASH INSTRUCTIONS: We advise following the below guidelines on shampooing your pets to ensure the product is used effectively:
  1. Use cool water – To avoid upsetting your pet, use water at room temperature
  2. Apply an initial application – Gently massage the shampoo into your pet’s fur while continually adding water to aid dispersion. Continue until you see a generous lather
  3. Rinse thoroughly – Use room temperature water
  4. Apply a second application – Gently massage the shampoo into your pet’s fur
  5. Wait – Leave on the coat for five to ten minutes
  6. Final rinse – Thoroughly rinse off your pet, making sure to rinse around the ears and belly
  7. Dry properly – Have several warm dry towels ready to dry off your pet

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