Vetoquinol Ornipural Solution 100ml




犬貓犬肝腹水傳染性腹膜炎脂肪肝臟恢復使用劑量皮下注射 : 犬貓一次量2-5毫升(建議每公斤0.2-0.3毫升) 口服 : 1毫升Ornipural 10毫升清水 可口服2天內連續使用4-5次,最長用藥28天。 



包含每毫升:山梨醇 200 毫克、精氨酸鹽酸鹽 33.3 毫克、鳥氨酸鹽酸鹽 11.8 毫克、L-瓜氨酸 10 毫克、甜菜鹼 15 毫克
指示所有來源的肝腎功能不全 – 過敏性和藥物性功能不全;營養過剩、寄生蟲病、脂肪變性、中毒和肝脂肪變性。代謝性疾病 – 玻璃體熱症候群、手足樂搦、酮症、妊娠毒血症、消化不良、部分吸收不良所引起的貧血。生長障礙 – 飲食變化、高能量飲食、含氮物質過量、餵食不足/過度。 
劑量馬和成年牛:50-100毫升;小馬駒和小牛:1毫升/5-10公斤體重;豬、成羊:5-15mL;仔豬和羔羊:3-5 mL;狗和貓:根據體型大小,2-5 mL。重複給藥4-5次,間隔2天。進行肌肉注射、皮下注射和慢速靜脈注射。 
退出肉類:24小時。牛奶:24 小時(2 次擠奶)。 


Stimulation of hepato-digestive activity in case of digestive disorders and hepatic impairment.complete injectable solution combining hepatoprotective, lipotropic and diuretic active ingredients (betaine, sorbitol, ornithine, citrulline and arginine).
ContainsPer mL: Sorbitol 200 mg, arginine HCl 33.3 mg, ornithine HCl 11.8 mg, L-citrulline 10 mg, betaine 15 mg
IndicationHepatorenal insufficiencies of all origins – allergic and medicamentous insufficiencies; alimentary overloads, parasitoses, steatoses, intoxications and hepatic fatty degeneration. Metabolic diseases – vitular fever syndrome, tetany, ketosis, pregnancy toxaemia, dyspepsia, anemia by partial malabsorption. Growth disorders – on changes in diest, highly-energizing diets, excessof nitrogenous matters and under/over feeding. 
DosageHorses and adult cattle: 50-100 mL; Foals and calves: 1 mL/5-10 kg BW; Pigs and adult sheep: 5-15 mL; Piglets and lambs: 3-5 mL; Dogs and cats: 2-5 mL according to size. Repeat administration 4-5 times with an interval of 2 days. Administered IM, SC and slow IV. 
WithdrawalMeat: 24 hrs. Milk: 24 hrs (2 milkings). 

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