Theophylline 200mg 20Tablets





茶鹼 ER(緩釋)是一種支氣管擴張劑,用於治療心臟衰竭、肺水腫、支氣管氣喘和慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD)。茶鹼的作用是放鬆肺部和胸部的肌肉,打開呼吸道。可用性 茶鹼有片劑、長效片劑或膠囊和液體形式。如何使用該藥 茶鹼未經 FDA 批准用於獸醫學;然而,在狗和貓身上使用這種藥物是一種普遍接受的做法。 
  • 狗:每 12 小時 1 0 毫克/磅。
  • 貓:每 8-12 小時 2 毫克/磅。
 空腹、飯前 1 小時或飯後 2 小時服用茶鹼。若使用長效劑型,請勿咀嚼、壓碎或溶解在食物中。喝大量的淡水。副作用 使用茶鹼時的副作用包括噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉、中樞神經系統興奮、發燒、皮疹和心悸。副作用通常會隨著劑量調整和/或繼續治療而消退。特別預防措施 對此類藥物過敏的患者不應使用茶鹼。請勿用於懷孕或哺乳期動物。患有嚴重心臟病、肝臟或腎臟疾病、甲狀腺功能亢進、高血壓或胃潰瘍的患者應謹慎使用茶鹼。某些藥物如苯巴比妥和苯妥英可能會降低茶鹼的作用。某些藥物,如西咪替丁、紅黴素、左旋甲狀腺素和喹諾酮類抗生素,如 Baytril,可能會增加茶鹼的作用。請務必告訴您的獸醫和藥劑師您的寵物正在服用哪些其他藥物。儲存 將這種藥物存放在原來的容器中,並蓋緊。將這種藥物存放在室溫下,遠離過熱、光照和潮濕。

Theophylline Extended Release Tablets

Theophylline ER (extended release) is a bronchodilator used in the treatment of heart failure, pulmonary edema, bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Theophylline acts by relaxing muscles in the lungs and chest, opening air passages.Availability Theophylline is available as tablet, long-acting tablet or capsule and liquid.How this medicine should be used Theophylline is not FDA approved for use in veterinary medicine; however, it is a commonly accepted practice to use this medication in dogs and cats. 
  • Dogs: 10 mg/lb every 12 hours.
  • Cats: 2 mg/lb every 8-12 hours.
 Give theophylline on an empty stomach, 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. If using the long acting form, do not chew, crush or allow to dissolve on food. Allow plenty of fresh water to drink.Side effects Side effects when using theophylline include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system excitement, fever, rash and palpitations. Side effects usually subside with dosage adjustments and/or continued therapy.Special precautions Theophylline should not be used in patients allergic to this class of medication. Do not use in pregnant or lactating animals. Theophylline should be used with caution in patients with severe heart disease, liver or kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, hypertension or stomach ulcers. Certain medications such as phenobarbital and phenytoin may decrease the effect of theophylline. Certain medications such as cimetidine, erythromycin, levothyroxine and quinolone antibiotics such as Baytril may cause an increase in the effect of theophylline. Always tell your veterinarian and pharmacist what other medications your pet is taking.Storage Keep this medication in the container it came in, tightly closed. Store this medication at room temperature, away from excess heat, light and moisture.

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