Technyflex Canine Joint Supplement 500mg 80 Caps


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Technyflex Canine為設計用於狗狗關節炎的天然治療品,其可減輕關節疼痛和炎症以及其他關節炎症狀,它是全天然非固醇類消炎止痛藥。Technyflex由新西蘭潔淨水域生長的新西蘭青口制成,而官方為了確保產品質量,每批均經過測試,確保不含重金屬和其他有害微生物。而新西蘭政府確保了此產品乎合多個測試的標準。
產品的高效性源自於100%新西蘭青口肉制成,另外含有高濃度Omega 3及GAGs糖胺聚醣,還有不同種類的營養素。
體重 每日服用量
25Kg或以下 1膠囊
25Kg以上 2膠囊
產地: 新西蘭
Technyflex Canine 是一種針對狗的天然產品,可緩解關節疼痛和發炎、關節炎症狀,並以其抗發炎活性而聞名。它是非類固醇抗發炎藥的天然替代品。
  • 天然止痛
  • 高營養價值
  • 自然的
Technyflex® 還可以幫助減輕肌肉骨骼疾病、髖關節發育不良和肘關節發育不良的症狀。它還可以有效治療關節受傷和酸痛。


  • 從躺著的位置站起來不舒服
  • “生澀”動作
  • 剛性
  • 玩耍行為減少
  • 行走時落後或跛行
您和您的狗不必接受這些關節不適或關節炎的狀況 – 這是與老化相關的狀況,但不一定是這樣! Technyflex Canine 是適合狗狗的優質綠唇貽貝。使用高品質關節補充劑 Technyflex® 治療您的寵物將在許多方面提供幫助。也建議在這些情況出現之前進行給藥,以增加活動能力並預防關節老化。 “預防勝於治療”


重建軟骨和結締組織的關鍵成分是葡萄糖胺和 GAG(糖胺聚醣/黏多醣)。 GAG 由糖胺聚醣和硫酸軟骨素等前體組成,為重建軟骨和結締組織提供必要的組成部分。GAG 也有助於滑液黏度的形成,滑液因其對關節的潤滑特性而聞名。這些特性(GAG)還可以提供免受自由基侵害的保護並為關節提供營養。


  • 天然鎮痛劑(止痛藥)
  • 抗發炎 omega-3 脂肪酸的豐富來源
  • 舒緩僵硬的關節
透過利用安全且有益的 COX-1 途徑,Omega-3(ETA、EPA 和 DHA)可抑制並有效阻斷稱為 COX-2 和 LIPOX-5 的發炎途徑。


每2公克典型分析: 能量31KJ,粗蛋白1.05公克,總脂肪218毫克,灰分0.32公克 總碳水化合物:306毫克,水分0.10公克總必需脂肪酸: 總歐米伽3:36.3毫克(EPA 17.7毫克,DHA 10.9毫克,ETA 2.0毫克,ALA 4.2毫克)礦物質: 硼32ug,鈣19.4mg,銅9.2ug,鉻4ug,碘27ug,鐵0.92mg,錳30ug,鎂9mg,鉀22mg,磷19.8mg,鈉70mg,硫36mg,硒>2ug,牛磺酸58mg,鋅1.26毫克維生素: 含維生素:A、D、E、B2、B3、B6、B12 和維生素 C 每 100g 維生素:B2 1.51mg、維生素 B6 4.67mg、維生素 B3 5.31mg、維生素 C 8.62mg醣胺聚醣 (GAG)/黏多醣: GAG 11-15%,主要是硫酸軟骨素,蛋白聚醣總計 30%富含 omega-3: 眾所周知,EPA 可以支持皮膚滲透性、改善皮膚狀況和膚色。它還有助於治療脫髮、皮膚炎和其他皮膚過敏。 DHA 和其他 Omega 3 也有助於整體健康。 幾天后,您的寵物的皮毛狀況就會注意到該產品生效的跡象。


1. 依照產品標籤的劑量,即每天兩次一匙/膠囊,持續 10 天,然後每天一匙/膠囊持續服用,請記住,本劑量指南適用於普通體型的狗。根據您的狗的體型正確服用劑量至關重要。2. 如果 4 週後您覺得您的狗仍有更多改善,請參閱以下指南: 狗 1 – 10 公斤 每天額外增加 1 勺/膠囊 狗 10 – 25 公斤 每天額外增加 1 – 2 勺/膠囊 狗 25 – 40公斤每天額外增加2 – 3 匙/膠囊 40+公斤 每天額外增加 2 – 4 匙/膠囊3. 系統需要 2 週時間調整新劑量。當然,隨著時間的推移,一旦症狀得到控制,劑量可能會減少到最低有效每日劑量。4. Technyflex 與劑量相關。一般來說,給予的越多,效果越強。注意:以下情況可能需要更高劑量:• 較重的品種 • 超出一般關節炎的嚴重關節疾病 • 劇烈運動,例如賽狗、工作犬、長跑運動員 • 術後關節鎮痛5. Technyflex由全天然成分組成,沒有已知的副作用。6. Technyflex 已完全註冊為獸藥,含有天然葡萄糖胺、軟骨素以及輔助因子歐米伽、微量礦物質和維生素。Technyflex Canine is a natural product for dogs that may relieve sore and inflamed joints, arthritic symptoms, and is known for its anti-inflammatory activity. It is a natural alternative to NSAIDs.
  • Natural Pain Relief
  • High Nutritional Benefits
  • Natural
Technyflex® also may help reduce the symptoms of musculo skeletal conditions, hip dysplasia, and elbow dysplasia.It is also effective in the treatment of injured and sore joints.

Signs of Arthritis and sore joints

  • Uncomfortable to get up from a lay down position
  • ‘Jerky’ movements
  • Stiffness
  • Reduced playful behaviour
  • Lagging behind or limping when walking
You and your dog don’t have to accept these conditions of joint discomfort or arthritis – it’s a condition associated with ageing, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Technyflex Canine is quality green-lipped mussel for dogs.Treating your pet with Technyflex®, a high quality joint supplement, will assist in many ways. Administering prior to onset of these conditions is also recommended for increased mobility and as prevention for ageing joints. “Prevention is better than cure”

Rebuilds Joints

A key component in rebuilding cartilage and connective tissues, are glucosamine’s and GAGs (glycosaminoglycans/ mucopolysaccharides). GAGs consist of precursors such as glycosaminoglycans and chondroitin suflates which provide the necessary building blocks to rebuild cartilage and connective tissues.GAGs also contribute to the viscosity formation of synovial fluid, which are well known for their lubrication qualities of the joint. These characteristics (GAGs) also offer protection from free radicals and provides nourishment of the joint.

Anti-inflammatory Pain Relief

  • A natural analgesic (pain reliever)
  • Rich source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids
  • Soothes stiff joints
By utilising the safe and beneficial COX-1 pathway, Omega-3’s (ETA, EPA & DHA) inhibit and in effect block the inflammation pathways known as COX-2 and LIPOX-5.


Typical Analysis per 2g: Energy 31KJ, crude protein 1.05g, Total fats 218mg, ash 0.32g Total carbohydrates: 306mg, moisture 0.10gTotal essential fatty acids: Total omega 3: 36.3mg (EPA 17.7mg, DHA 10.9mg, ETA 2.0mg, ALA 4.2mg)Minerals: Boron 32ug, calcium 19.4mg, copper 9.2ug, chromium 4ug, iodine 27ug, iron 0.92mg, manganese 30ug, magnesium 9mg, potassium 22mg, phosphorus 19.8mg, sodium 70mg, sulphur 36mg, selenium >2ug, taurine 58mg, zinc 1.26mgVitamins: Presenting vitamins: A, D, E, B2, B3, B6, B12 and vitamin C Vitamins per 100g: B2 1.51mg, vit B6 4.67mg, vit B3 5.31mg, vit C 8.62mgGlycosaminoglycans (GAG’s)/mucopolysaccharides: GAGs 11-15% prominently chondroitin sulphate, with proteoglycans total 30%High in omega 3: EPA is known to support skin permeability, condition and tone. It also assists in the healing of alopecia, dermatitis and other skin allergies. DHA and the other Omega 3’s are also known to assist with general well being. Signs of this product taking effect will be noticed in the coat condition of your pet in days.

Dosage Guide

1. Dose as product is labeled i.e. one level scoop / capsule twice daily for 10 days, then one scoop / capsules daily ongoing, remembering that this dosage guide is for an average sized dog. Correct dosing for the size of your dog is essential.2. If after 4 weeks you feel there is more improvement still to be made in your dog, refer to below guidelines: Dogs 1 – 10 kg 1 scoop/capsule extra daily Dogs 10 – 25kg 1 – 2 scoops/capsules extra daily Dogs 25 – 40kg 2 – 3 scoops/capsules extra daily 40+kg 2 – 4 scoops/capsules extra daily3. Allow 2 weeks for the new dosage to adjust in the system. Of course over time once symptoms are under control the dosage may be reduced to the lowest effective daily dose.4. Technyflex is dose related. Generally the more you give the stronger the effect.NOTE: The following may require higher doses:• Heavier breeds • Severe joint disease beyond general arthritis • Strenuous exercise e.g. Greyhound racing, working dogs, long distance runners • Post-surgical joint analgesia5. Technyflex is composed of all natural ingredients with no known side effects.6. Technyflex is fully registered as a Veterinary Medicine and contains naturally occurring Glucosamine, Chondroitin with Co-factors Omegas, Trace Minerals and Vitamins.

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