Show Tech+ Skinsational Pet Scrub 磨砂補濕膏 200ml



無毛品種的糖磨砂膏  就像您的皮膚一樣,無毛寵物的皮膚也需要去角質。去角質可以透過多種方式改善寵物的皮膚外觀。它可以去除死皮細胞。更重要的是,去角質可以讓肌膚看起來更明亮,並透過增強吸收來提高保養品的功效。定期去角質還有助於防止毛孔堵塞,從而使皮膚更健康。此外,長期去角質可以增加膠原蛋白的產生,這是讓皮膚煥發活力的關鍵。Show Tech+ Skinsational 寵物磨砂膏不僅是一種美妙的去角質劑,也是一種天然的保濕霜。    親膚 這款獨特、令人愉悅的磨砂膏可確保您的寵物的皮膚柔軟、水潤。主要活性成分Persea gratissima或酪梨油的積極特性清單  非常長!它對皮膚和頭髮都非常有益,有助於保持光滑、強韌和彈性。酪梨油由脂肪酸、抗氧化劑和抗炎劑組成,可促進膠原蛋白代謝,舒緩和治癒發癢、 剝落或乾裂的皮膚,補充乾燥皮膚並補充水分。它還以幫助癒合傷口、保護皮膚免受紫外線傷害和保護皮膚免受傷害而聞名。           這還不是全部!由於這種神奇的成分含有 β-胡蘿蔔素、蛋白質、卵磷脂、單元不飽和脂肪和維生素 A、D 和 E,因此我們也推薦為有皮膚褶皺的短毛品種使用 Skinsational 磨砂膏。它有助於治療頭皮屑並保護頭髮和皮膚。由於採用 特殊的糖基配方,顆粒比鹽磨砂膏溶解得更快。您的貓或狗的皮膚是否疲倦、暗淡?使用這款糖磨砂膏確實可以改變肌膚,讓肌膚看起來健康、光滑、完美無瑕!    一切都在細節中
  • 適用於無毛狗和貓品種的糖磨砂膏 
  • 也強烈建議用於清潔英國鬥牛犬和沙皮犬等品種的皮膚褶皺之間 
  • 幫助去角質、保濕並保護頭髮和皮膚 
  • 市場上獨一無二 
  • 主要成分:糖和酪梨油萃取物 
  • 內容量:200毫升  
 Sugar scrub for hairless breeds  Just like your skin, your hairless pet’s skin needs exfoliation too. Exfoliating can improve the appearance of your pet’s skin in several ways. It removes dead skin cells. What’s more, exfoliation leaves the skin looking brighter and improves the effectiveness of skin care products by enhancing absorption. Regular exfoliation also helps to prevent clogged pores, resulting in healthier skin. Furthermore, long-term exfoliating can increase collagen production, key to a glowing, vibrant skin. The Show Tech+ Skinsational Pet Scrub is not only a wonderful exfoliator, but also a natural moisturiser.   Skinsational! This unique, sensational scrub ensures your pet’s skin is beautifully soft and hydrated. The list of positive characteristics of the main active ingredient, persea gratissima or avocado oil, is incredibly long! It is highly beneficial for both skin and hair, helping it to stay smooth, strong and elastic. Consisting of fatty acids, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, avocado oil increases collagen metabolism, sooths and heals an itchyflakey or chapped skin, replenishes dry skin and hydrates and moistures. It is also well-known for helping to heal wounds, shielding the skin from UV rays and protecting it from damage.  And that’s not all! Because this fantastic ingredient contains beta-carotene, proteins, lecithin, monounsaturated fats and vitamins A, D and E, we also recommend the Skinsational scrub for short-haired breeds with skin folds. It helps treat dandruff and protects the hair and skin.  Thanks to the special sugar-based formula, the granules dissolve faster than salt scrubs. Is your cat or dog’s skin tired and dull-looking? Using this sugar scrub really transforms it and makes the skin look healthy, smooth and absolutely flawless!   It’s all in the details
  • Sugar scrub for hairless dog and cat breeds 
  • Also highly recommended for cleansing between the skin folds of breeds such as the English bulldog and shar-pei 
  • Helps exfoliate, moisturise and protect hair and skin 
  • Unique on the market 
  • Main ingredients: sugar and avocado oil extract 
  • Content: 200 ml  

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