Bayer Seresto Flea & Tick Collar Large Dog over 8kg (英版)


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– 能有效地殺死蚤,幼蟲及牛蜱 – 不油膩,無味,方便於使用 – 能有效地驅走牛蜱及預防牛蜱跳上貓狗身上 – 有防水功能 – 七週齡以上幼犬幼貓即可使用 – 活性成分從牛蜱頸圈傳遞到皮膚的脂質層 – 活性成分隻會留在皮膚的脂質層中,不會吸收到全身 – 治療和預防跳蚤過敏性皮炎(FAD) – 獨特研發高分子基質緩釋技術,正確使用,驅蟲效用可長達8個月適用於大型犬和小狗(超過 18 磅)的 Seresto 跳蚤和蜱蟲項圈為狗狗提供了突破性的蜱蟲和跳蚤控制,持續時間長達 8 個月。Seresto 項圈獨特的聚合物基質內含有兩種活性成分:吡蟲啉(多年來一直被獸醫推薦用於控制跳蚤感染的產品)和氟氯菊酯,可有效驅除和殺死蜱蟲、幼蟲和若蟲。這些成分在這款獨特的跳蚤項圈中共同發揮作用,提供對抗跳蚤和蜱蟲的雙重作用,這是其他治療方法無法比擬的!主要優點防跳蚤項圈,適用於 7 週或以上體重超過 18 磅的狗狗 殺死跳蚤並驅除和殺死蜱蟲 驅除蜱蟲,防止引起疾病的生物體傳播 不油膩、無味、使用方便 防水保護 無需記住每月的申請 27.5吋可調領長 

The Seresto Flea & Tick Collar for Large Dogs & Puppies (over 18 pounds) offers a breakthrough in tick and flea control for dogs for 8 months.

Inside the unique polymer matrix of the Seresto collar are two active ingredients: imidacloprid, which has been used in products recommended by veterinarians for years to control flea infestations, and flumethrin, which effectively repels and kills ticks, larvae and nymphs.

These ingredients work together in this unique flea collar to provide dual action against fleas and ticks like no other treatment!

 Key Benefits
  • Flea collar for dogs 7 weeks or older over 18 pounds
  • Kills fleas and repels and kills ticks
  • Repels ticks to prevent transfer of organisms that cause disease
  • Non-greasy, odorless and easy to use
  • Water-resistant protection
  • No need to remember monthly applications
  • 27.5-inch adjustable collar length

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