Bayer Seresto Kittens and Cat Collar (澳版)


貨號: 9310160823281 分類:


  • 創新的貓蚤保護系統
  • 接觸時殺死跳蚤和蜱蟲,因此貓不會被跳蚤和蜱蟲叮咬
  • 使用項圈後 24 小時內即可殺死現有的成年跳蚤
  • 保護貓咪免受跳蚤和麻痺蜱感染長達 8 個月
  • 驅除並控制麻痺蜱蟲長達 8 個月
  • 降低跳蚤傳播疾病的風險
  • 無味且易於使用的項圈
  • 輕鬆貼合和調整以適應成長中的小貓
  • 突破性技術幫助貓從被困的情況中解脫出來
Seresto 是一款獨特的貓用跳蚤和蜱蟲項圈。創新的項圈可能是針對跳蚤和蜱蟲最持久的保護。此配方可治療和預防跳蚤感染,效果長達 8 個月。此外,它還可以驅除並控制麻痺蜱長達 8 個月。Seresto 是一種無味項圈,可治療和控制跳蚤過敏性皮膚炎,並減少跳蚤絛蟲和跳蚤傳播疾病(漢塞巴爾通體)的傳播。使用項圈後 24 小時內,它可以控制跳蚤侵擾並殺死 98% 的現有跳蚤。Seresto 可以在接觸時殺死跳蚤和麻痺蜱,因此貓科動物不必被咬,因此,您的貓可以免受跳蚤和麻痺蜱叮咬。它是如何運作的?Advantage Seresto 項圈含有吡蟲啉和氟苯菊酯的獨特組合。此項圈採用創新的輸送系統設計,活性成分可從項圈中緩慢、持續地以低濃度釋放。這些內容物會擴散並接觸到貓的整個皮膚表面。這些成分不必擴散到血液中,因為作用方式不需要跳蚤叮咬。當跳蚤直接接觸時,吡蟲啉會透過神經觸發機制殺死跳蚤。另一種成分氟氯菊酯與吡蟲啉結合使用,可增強其對抗跳蚤的活性。活性成分還能快速驅除麻痺蜱蟲,並防止蜱蟲附著和叮咬。Seresto Collar 提供長期保護,可安全地與其他治療方法一起使用。
  • Innovative flea protection system for cats
  • Kills fleas and ticks on contact, so cats don’t suffer from flea and tick bites
  • Existing adult fleas are killed within 24 hours after collar application
  • Protects cats against flea and paralysis tick infestation for up to 8 months
  • Repels and controls paralysis ticks for 8 months
  • Lowers the risk of flea-borne diseases
  • Odourless and easy to use collar
  • Easily fits and adjusted for growing kittens
  • The breakthrough technology helps cat to get free in trapped situation
Seresto is a unique flea and tick collar for cats. The innovative collar is probably the longest lasting protection against fleas and ticks. This formula treats and prevents flea infestations for up to 8 months. Plus, it repels and controls paralysis ticks for 8 months.Seresto is an odourless collar that treats and controls flea allergy dermatitis and reduces the transmission of flea tapeworms and flea-borne disease (Bartonella Henselae). Within 24 hours of applying the collar, it controls flea infestation and kills 98% of existing fleas.Seresto kills fleas and paralysis ticks on contact, so feline do not have to take a bite, hence, your cat is protected against flea and paralysis tick bites.How does it work?Advantage Seresto collar contains unique combination of imidacloprid and flumethrin. The collar is designed with an innovative delivery system where active ingredients are slowly and continuously released in low concentrations from the collar. These contents spread and contacts the skin over the entire skin surface of your cat. The ingredients do not have to be spread into the blood as the mode of action does not require fleas to bite. When fleas come in direct contact, imidacloprid kills fleas through nerve triggering mechanism. The other ingredient flumethrin works in conjunction with imidacloprid to boost its activity against fleas. The active ingredients also rapidly repel paralysis ticks, and prevents tick attachment and biting. Seresto Collar provides long duration protection and is safe to use alongside other treatments.

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