Dermcare Pyohex Conditioner For Dogs 100ml


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Pyohex 洗髮精和護髮素用於治療狗的細菌(葡萄球菌)皮膚感染。 Pyohex 是一種外用抗菌免沖洗護髮素。此護髮素將有助於實現保濕、對皮膚和皮毛具有更高抗菌水平以及延長活動持續時間的好處。
  • 局部抗菌免沖洗護髮素
  • 活性成分:30g/L葡萄糖酸氯己定
  • 洗必太與頭髮結合,原位去除細菌
  • 用於洗髮後使用,有助於治療及預防淺層表皮炎
  • 洗必泰與皮膚和頭髮牢固結合,產生長達 14 天的殘留作用
  • 為了獲得最佳效果,建議在使用 Malaseb 或 Pyohex 洗髮精清洗寵物後使用護髮素


  • 粉刺
  • 圓形鱗片或發紅(較大的丘疹破裂並留下皮膚損傷的“環”)
  • 皮膚潮濕區域通常稱為熱點
  • 過敏、花粉、草、食物(肉類)、跳蚤
  • 荷爾蒙問題(包括庫欣氏症和甲狀腺問題)
  • 寄生蟲感染,例如蠕形蟎或疥瘡。


Pyohex 洗髮精和護髮素比乳霜和乳液具有更大的優勢,因為它們可以全身塗抹,無論皮毛覆蓋量如何。
  • 洗髮精應塗在濕外套上並起泡。
  • 停留 10 分鐘,然後徹底沖洗。
  • 在此期間分散狗的注意力,使其不要舔舐。攝入泡沫會導致胃部不適。
  • 沖洗後,讓狗狗甩掉皮毛上多餘的水,然後趁皮毛仍然潮濕時將護髮素擦到皮毛上。這可以透過將少量塗抹在手上,輕輕揉搓雙手,然後將手輕拍在狗的皮毛上來實現。護髮素大致分佈後,好好搓揉你的狗,使其均勻分佈在整個皮毛上。

我應該多久使用一次 Pyohex 藥用洗髮精和護髮素?



  • 在使用 Pyohex 藥用洗髮精之前,請確保您的狗徹底濕潤,因為這樣可以更容易起泡和塗抹。
  • 使用濕海綿幫助確保外套濕潤,並且 Pyohex 藥用洗髮精起泡並良好塗抹。
  • 讓 Pyohex 藥用洗髮精充分接觸 10 分鐘,因為這樣可以達到最佳功效。
Pyohex shampoo and conditioner are for the treatment of bacterial (Staphylococcal) skin infections in dogs. Pyohex is a topical antibacterial leave-on conditioner. The conditioner will help to achieve both the benefits of moisturising with higher antiseptic levels on the skin and coat along with an extended duration of activity.
  • A topical antibacterial leave-on conditioner
  • Active ingredient: 30g/L Chlorhexidine gluconate
  • The Chlorhexidine binds to hair to remove bacteria in situ
  • For use after shampoo washing as an aid in the treatment and the prevention of superficial dermatitis
  • Chlorhexidine binds strongly to the skin and hair, resulting in up to 14 days of residual action
  • For optimal results it is recommended to use the conditioner after washing your pet with Malaseb or Pyohex Shampoo

Reasons for bacterial skin infections

Bacterial skin infections on dogs can have a wide variety of symptoms or appearances and causes. Common appearances of bacterial infections:
  • Pimples
  • Circular rings of scale or redness (as larger pimples pop and leave ‘rings’ of skin damage)
  • Moist areas of skin commonly referred to as hotspots
Sometimes there is just bad luck involved, although the majority of cases of skin infections in dogs can be tracked to underlying conditions which allow the low numbers of normal bacterial residents to overgrow and cause disease.Underlying causes for bacterial infections:
  • Allergy, pollen, grass, food (meats), fleas
  • Hormonal problems (including Cushing’s disease and thyroid problems)
  • Parasitic infestations such as demodex mites or Scabies.

How to use

Pyohex shampoo and conditioner have the great benefit over creams and lotions in that they can be applied all over, regardless of the amount of fur coverage.
  • The shampoo should be applied to a wet coat and lathered up.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
  • Distract the dog from licking during this period. Ingestion of foam can upset their stomach.
  • After rinsing allow the dog to shake excess water from its coat and then rub the conditioner through the coat whilst still damp. This can be achieved by applying a small amount to your hands, lightly rubbing your hands together and then dabbing your hands over your dog’s coat. After the conditioner is roughly distributed give your dog a good rub to evenly distribute it throughout the coat.

How often should I use Pyohex Medicated Shampoo & Conditioner?

During periods of active infection the shampoo and conditioner should be used twice per week. Once the infection has resolved, bathing once per week or fortnight is often enough to prevent recurrences. The time of year may influence the frequency of bathing – during spring and summer, dogs who suffer bad allergies may find they require more frequent bathing then they do in winter when their allergies are not as active.


  • Ensure your dog is thoroughly wet before applying Pyohex Medicated Shampoo as this will make lathering and spreading it easier.
  • Use a wet sponge to help to ensure the coat is wet and the Pyohex Medicated Shampoo lathers and spreads well.
  • Allow the full 10 minutes contact time for the Pyohex Medicated Shampoo as this will allow optimal efficacy.

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