Boehringer Ingelheim Previcox Tablets 227mg 10粒


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Previcox 片劑是非類固醇抗發炎藥 (NSAID),用於控制狗的疼痛和發炎。骨關節炎等疾病是由軟骨和關節磨損引起的,可能會非常痛苦。它通常會導致情緒低落和長時間不活動。Previcox 可以有效緩解此類肌肉骨骼疾病引起的疼痛和不適,從而提高您的狗的生活品質。當按照獸醫的指示服用時,活性成分會影響組織鬆弛激素的產生。在此過程中,Previcox 產生抗發炎和鎮痛作用,這也可用於治療與狗的軟組織和骨科手術相關的術後疼痛。每片都是豬肉口味的,非常適合您的狗。Previcox 227mg 片劑由 Merial 製造,專為狗開發。因此,它們絕不能用於其他動物。Previcox Tablets are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) used to control pain and inflammation in dogs. Conditions such as Osteoarthritis are caused by wear and tear on cartilage and joints and can be very painful. It often results in decreased moods and long periods of inactivity. Previcox provides effective relief of the pain and discomfort caused by such musculo-skeletal conditions in order to improve the quality of life for your dog.When given as directed by your vet, the active ingredient affects the production of tissue relaxing hormones. In doing this, Previcox produces anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, which can also be useful in the management of post-operative pain associated with soft tissue and orthopaedic surgeries in dogs. Each tablet is pork flavoured making them highly palatable for your dog.Previcox 227mg Tablets are manufactured by Merial and developed specifically for dogs. As such, they must never be used in other animals.

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