Orijen:Grain Free Cat Food-Tundra 無穀物凍原 (全貓) 配方 1.8kg



讓您的貓咪在蛋白質豐富的食譜中茁壯成長,獲得最佳營養。作為專性食肉動物,現代貓咪的身體結構與它們的祖先類似,並且在富含蛋白質和脂肪的生物學上適當的飲食中蓬勃發展。ORIJEN® Tundra 貓糧為您的貓咪提供所需的營養蛋白質和營養素,來自生鮮*鴨肉、魚肉和鹿肉。ORIJEN Tundra 貓糧富含 WholePrey 動物成分,如肉類、魚類、內臟和骨骼,採用獵物中最富營養的美味部位,以提供貓咪所需的營養。含有 85%** 優質動物成分,並有冷凍乾燥肝臟塗層,使這款貓糧無可比擬。前五種成分為生鮮或生肉*鴨肉、肉類和魚類成分。
  • 85% 優質鴨肉、肉類和魚類成分,提供強大的必需蛋白質、維生素和礦物質來源。
  • 我們的真實 WholePrey 飲食特色包含了獵物中最美味的部位,如鴨肉、肉類或魚類、內臟和骨骼,以模擬貓咪祖先在野外的飲食。
  • 冷凍乾燥塗層提供原始風味,滿足貓咪本能的渴望。
  • 我們自豪地在加拿大製作,選用世界上最優質的原料。
Help your cat thrive with the power of protein-rich recipes that provide peak nourishment. As obligate carnivores, modern cats are built like their ancestors and thrive on a Biologically Appropriate diet rich in protein and fat sourced from a variety of animal ingredients. ORIJEN® Tundra diet provides your cat with the nourishing protein and nutrients they need, from raw* duck, fish and venison. Packed with WholePrey animal ingredients like meat, fish, organs and bone, ORIJEN Tundra diet is made with the most nutrient-dense, succulent parts of the prey to deliver the nutrition cats need. With 85%** quality animal ingredients and a freeze-dried liver coating, this diet is beyond comparison.The first 5 ingredients are fresh or raw* duck, meat and fish ingredients.
  • 85%** quality duck, meat and fish ingredients, providing a strong source of essential protein, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Our authentic WholePrey diet features the most succulent parts of the prey like duck, meat or fish, organs and bone to mimic what your cat’s ancestors consumed in the wild.
  • Freeze-dried coated for a burst of raw flavour your cat instinctively craves.
  • Proudly crafted in Canada with the world’s best ingredients.


鴨肉(8%)、生北極紅點三文魚(8%)、硬頭鱒魚(7%)、原條沙甸魚(6%)、鹿肉(6%)、豬肝(5%)、鴨肝 ( 4%)、新鮮雞蛋(4%)、脫水白魚(4%)、脫水藍鱈魚(4%)、脫水鯡魚(4%)、鴨油(4%)、脫水羊肉(4% )、脫水羊肉( 4%)、原粒綠扁豆、原粒鷹嘴豆、原粒豌豆、羊肉(3%)、山羊(3%)、羊肝(3%)、扁豆纖維、豌豆澱粉、原粒紅扁豆、原粒斑豆、脫水鴨肉(1%)、脫水鯖魚(1%)、鱈魚油(1%)、羊腎(0.5%)、羊肚(0.5%) 、乾海帶、新鮮整顆南瓜、新鮮整顆胡桃南瓜、新鮮整片西葫蘆,新鮮整顆胡蘿蔔,新鮮整顆蘋果,新鮮整顆梨,乾菊苣根,新鮮羽衣甘藍,新鮮菠菜,新鮮甜菜葉,新鮮蘿蔔葉,原個蔓越莓,原個藍莓,原個薩斯卡通漿果,薑黃,水飛薊,牛蒡根、 薰衣草、 藥蜀葵根、 玫瑰果Raw duck (8%), raw arctic char (8%), raw steelhead trout (7%), raw whole pilchard (6%), raw venison (6%), raw pork liver (5%), raw duck liver (4%), fresh eggs (4%), dehydrated whitefish (4%), dehydrated blue whiting (4%), dehydrated herring (4%), duck fat (4%), dehydrated lamb (4%), dehydrated mutton (4%), whole green lentils, whole chickpeas, whole peas, raw lamb (3%), raw goat (3%), raw lamb liver (3%), lentil fibre, pea starch, whole red lentils, whole pinto beans, dehydrated duck (1%), dehydrated mackerel (1%), pollock oil (1%), raw lamb kidney (0.5%), raw lamb tripe (0.5%), dried kelp, fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole zucchini, fresh whole carrots, fresh whole apples, fresh whole pears, dried chicory root, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh beet greens, fresh turnip greens, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole saskatoon berries, turmeric, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips 


粗蛋白質 Crude protein 40% 脂肪含量 Fat content 20% 粗灰分 Crude ash 9% 粗纖維 Crude fibre 3% 水分 Moisture 10% 鈣 Calcium 1.9% 磷 Phosphorus 1.4% 鎂 Magnesium 0.1% 牛磺酸 Taurine 0.2% Omega-6 脂肪酸 Omega-6 fatty acids 2.4% Omega-3 脂肪酸 Omega-3 fatty acids 1% DHA 0.3% EPA 0.2%
產地 加拿大Made in Canada官網 https://www.orijen.ca

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