Natural Core Herb 1 Lamb Holistic 室內羊肉草本糧(全年齡犬) 6kg



Natural Core Herb 1 Lamb Holistic 室內羊肉草本糧

Natural Core 品牌介紹
英國和日本都有句俗話:「We are what we eat。」當然不是說你吃了豬肉就會變成豬。 真正意思是吃什麼食物,就會成為什麼樣。吃健康的食物,才會健康。食物攸關健康,入口之前,理當審慎選擇– 更有營養價值 有機食品的營養價值更高,平均比慣常生產的食品的營養成份高出至少60%。– 能減少或導絕化學物質和農藥 有機生產和加工的過程嚴格規定只允許在限制情况下,不可使用化學物質和農 藥,意味著更安全,更能放心食用。– 絕不含基因改造成分 為在有機生產的概念下,同樣嚴格規不可以使用任何基因改造生物及其衍生物。– 味道較好 有機食品內的特殊維他命、黃酮類、抗氧化物質等的含量也較高,因此食物的真正 味道也較一般強烈。


USDA的標準極為苛刻 包裝上印有USDA標識的產品是官方認證使用了有機成份的產品。


以真正的新鮮肉類和有機成分精心配製而成,可以為毛茸茸的孩子提供最清潔,最營養的寵物飲食!所有Natural Core產品及其成分均已獲得美國農業部(USDA)和ECOCERT(法國國際有機認證組織)嚴格檢查的全球認可,以確保我們的產品和生產過程不包含或涉及任何合成的農用化學品 化合物,生長激素,轉基因生物和殘留抗生素。
Korea’s No.1 Organic Pet Food, Natural Core, is delicately formulated with real fresh meats and organic ingredients to provide the cleanest and most nutritious pet diet for your furry kid!All Natural Core products and their ingredients have been globally accredited by strict US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and ECOCERT (International Organic Certification Organization from France) inspections to ensure that our products and the production process do not include or involve any agricultural chemicals, synthetic chemical compounds, growth hormones, GMOs and residual antibiotics.
  • 適用於室內飼養犬隻
  • 55%以上有機原材料
  • 選用新鮮澳洲羊肉及全顆粒穀物
  • 配合新鮮 有機水果及蔬菜
  • 海鼠李果提供豐富植物性乳酸菌
  • 有效減輕便臭及體味
  • Suitable for indoor breeding dogs
  • 55% or more organic raw materials
  • Use fresh Australian lamb and whole grain cereals
  • With fresh organic fruits and vegetables
  • Sea buckthorn fruit provides rich plant-based lactic acid bacteria
  • Effectively reduce stool odor and body odor
成分 Ingredients
Lamb, whole grain cereals, organic brown rice, organic sweet potatoes, organic barley, organic sunflower seeds, sesame flour, chicken fat, organic flax seeds, dried salt, organic oats, chitooligosaccharides, yucca extract, chlorocholine, Apple, banana, garlic, blueberry, tomato, lactic acid bacteria, organic radish, organic spinach, organic coriander, rosemary, sea buckthorn fruit, biotin, pantothenic acid, folate, nicotinic acid, vitamins and mineral 
成分分晰 Analysis
粗蛋白 Crude Protein> 23.0%
粗脂肪 Crude Fat> 12.0
粗灰 Crude Ash <8.0%
粗纖維 Crude Fibre<6.0%
鈣 Calcium > 0.9%
磷 Phosphorus> 0.4%
水分 Moisture< 12.0 %
 韓國生產 Made in Korea官方網站



1000粒, 10粒

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