Marbocyl P, 80mg 12 Tabs



Marbocyl P 是一種有效的抗生素,用於治療狗的皮膚和軟組織感染。它特別適用於治療感染傷口和皮下膿腫,同時也能有效抵抗呼吸道和泌尿生殖系統感染。當按照獸醫的指示服用時,活性成分馬波沙星會幹擾細菌細胞壁,以治療感染區域,例如傷口和皮下膿瘍。小狗:
  1. 皮膚和軟組織病變:皮膚皺襞膿皮症、膿皰瘡、毛囊炎、癤腫、蜂窩性組織炎
  2. 泌尿道感染
  3. 呼吸道感染
貓:皮膚和軟組織病變:傷口、膿腫、蜂窩性組織炎 • 建議劑量率: 為了確保正確的劑量,應盡可能準確地確定體重 可以避免劑量不足。 狗和貓每日 2 毫克/公斤/天,每日一次口服給藥。 日常 劑量達到如下: 貓和小型犬:MARBOCYL®P 5 毫克 – 每 2.5 公斤體重 1 片 中型犬: MARBOCYL®P 20 毫克 – 每 10 公斤體重 1 片 大型犬:MARBOCYL®P 80 毫克 – 每 40 公斤體重 1 片 • 治療持續時間: 小狗: – 對於皮膚和軟組織感染,治療時間至少為 5 天。 根據病程,最長可能延長40天。 – 對於泌尿道感染,治療時間至少為 10 天。 根據 病程最長可達28天。 – 對於呼吸道感染,治療持續時間至少為 7 天,取決於 根據病程,最長可延長21天。 貓: – 用於皮膚和軟組織感染(傷口、膿腫、蜂窩性組織炎)的治療 持續時間為3至5天。 – 對於上呼吸道感染,治療時間為 5 天。 為了確保 正確的劑量應盡可能準確地確定體重,以避免 劑量不足。• Recommended dose rates: To ensure correct dosage, body weight should be determined as accurately as possible Underdosing can be avoided. Dogs and cats: 2 mg/kg/day PO once daily. daily Doses are achieved as follows: Cats and small dogs: MARBOCYL®P 5 mg – 1 tablet per 2.5 kg of body weight Medium-sized dogs: MARBOCYL®P 20 mg – 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight Large Breeds: MARBOCYL®P 80 mg – 1 tablet per 40 kg of body weight • Duration of treatment: puppy: – For skin and soft tissue infections, treat for at least 5 days. Depending on the course of the disease, it may be extended up to 40 days. – For urinary tract infections, treat for at least 10 days. according to The duration of the disease can be up to 28 days. – For respiratory infections, the duration of treatment is at least 7 days, depending Depending on the course of the disease, it can be extended up to 21 days. cat: – For the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections (wounds, abscesses, cellulitis) Duration is 3 to 5 days. – For upper respiratory tract infections, treatment time is 5 days. to make sure Correct dosage should be determined by body weight as accurately as possible to avoid Insufficient dosage.

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