Jurox Popantel Allwormer Cat 1tab 5kg


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用於控制蛔蟲(貓弓蛔蟲、Toxascaris leonina)、鉤蟲(Ancylostoma tubeaeforme、A. braziliense、Uncinaria stenocephala)和絛蟲(Dipylidium caninum、Taenia taeniaeformis)。Popantel Cat Allwormer 片劑可安全有效地控制蠕蟲。它們可用於所有貓,包括年老的動物、幼小的小貓和懷孕的貓後。這些藥片不適合狗狗使用。劑量 小貓:在 6、8 和 12 週時治療,然後每月 3 次。 成人:每 3 個月治療一次。 懷孕和哺乳期的蜂王:交配前、小貓出生前 10 天以及小貓出生後 2 週和 4 週進行治療。在治療前對貓進行稱重非常重要。口服單劑量。貓應空腹服用。成分 活性成分: 每片 100 毫克吡喃太爾(embonate)每片 25 毫克吡喹酮For the control of ROUNDWORMS (Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina), HOOKWORMS (Ancylostoma tubaeforme, A. braziliense, Uncinaria stenocephala) and TAPEWORMS (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia taeniaeformis).Popantel Cat Allwormer Tablets provide safe and effective control of worms. They may be given to all cats including old animals, young kittens, and pregnant queens.These tablets are not suitable for use in dogs.Dosage Kittens: Treat at 6, 8 and 12 weeks, then 3 monthly. Adults: Treat every 3 months. Pregnant and lactating queens: Treat prior to mating, 10 days before kittening, and 2 and 4 weeks after kittening.It is essential to weigh cats before treatment. Give as a single dose by mouth. Cats should be dosed on an empty stomach.Active Constituent(s): 100 mg Pyrantel (as embonate) per tablet 25 mg Praziquantel per tablet



10粒, 50粒樽

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