Hill’s Prescription Feline c/d Urinary Care Vegetable & Chicken Stew 貓用泌尿道配方罐頭(雞肉燉蔬菜味) 2.9oz x24



健康的膀胱始於重要營養素的正確平衡。過量的礦物質會促進尿液中晶體的形成,這可能導致膀胱結石的形成。它們會引起不適並導致更嚴重的問題,需要獸醫的護理。Hill 的營養師和獸醫開發了處方飲食 c/d Multicare 臨床營養品,專門為支持您的貓的泌尿系統健康而配製。事實上,c/d Multicare 是經過臨床測試的營養品,可將最常見泌尿道症狀的復發率降低 89%。這道令人難以抗拒的燉菜有美味的一口大小的肉汁塊,由貓咪喜愛的蔬菜、金槍魚和大米等有益健康的食材製成。功效: 在短短 7 天內溶解鳥糞石結石(平均 27 天) 降低鳥糞石和草酸鈣結石的風險 終身餵養為有泌尿系統症狀的貓帶來好處 S+OXSHIELD:配方旨在促進泌尿環境,降低風險鳥糞石和草酸鈣晶體的發育 推薦用於成年貓的終生餵養牠的工作原理:
  • 促進理想的尿液 pH 值,降低結石形成的風險
  • 富含抗氧化劑和 omega-3 脂肪酸
  • 控制鈣、低鈉並添加檸檬酸鉀
附加資訊: Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Multicare 蔬菜、鮪魚和米飯燉貓糧是一種完整且均衡的食物,可提供貓所需的所有營養。請諮詢您的獸醫,以了解有關我們的處方減肥食品如何幫助貓繼續享受快樂和積極的生活的更多資訊。餵食飲食指南 向您的獸醫諮詢您的寵物的具體餵食說明。每日餵食建議只是一個指南和一個起點。克是最準確的測量形式;杯子是按克估算的。
  • 逐漸過渡到這種新食物 7 天或更長時間
  • 只餵食推薦的 處方飲食 乾糧和濕糧
  • 隨時保持淡水供應
  • 讓您的獸醫監測您寵物的狀況
  • 蓋上蓋子並冷藏未使用的部分
  • 為了增加成功的機會,請按照獸醫的建議繼續長期餵食食物,以強調長期餵食以獲得最佳結果的重要性
貓的重量 – 磅(公斤)每天數量 – 2.9 盎司(82 克)罐
6 (2,7)2 1/2
8 (3,6)3 1/2
10 (4,5)4
12 (5,4)4 1/2
14 (6,4)5
16 (7,3)5 1/2
18 (8,2)6
包裝尺寸 每罐 2.9 盎司 托盤 24 罐
A healthy bladder starts with the right balance of vital nutrients. Excess minerals can encourage the formation of crystals in the urine, which may lead to the creation of bladder stones. They can cause discomfort and lead to more serious problems that require the care of a veterinarian.
Hill’s nutritionists & veterinarians developed Prescription Diet c/d Multicare clinical nutrition specially formulated to support your cat’s urinary health. In fact, c/d Multicare is clinically tested nutrition to lower the recurrence rate of the most common urinary signs by 89%.This irresistible stew has tasty bite-sized chunks in gravy and is made with wholesome ingredients like vegetables, tuna & rice that your cat will love.How it helps: Dissolves struvite stones in as little as 7 days (Average 27 days) Reduces the risk of struvite & calcium oxalate stones Lifelong feeding provides benefits for cats with urinary signs S+OXSHIELD: Formulated to promote a urinary environment that reduces the risk of developing struvite & calcium oxalate crystals Recommended for lifelong feeding of adult catsHow it works:
  • Promotes desirable urine pH levels to reduce risk of stone formation
  • Enriched with antioxidants & omega-3 fatty acids
  • Controlled calcium, low sodium & added potassium citrate
Additional info: Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Multicare Vegetable, Tuna & Rice Stew Cat Food is a complete and balanced food that provides all the nutrition a cat needs. Please consult your veterinarian for further information on how our Prescription Diet foods can help a cat to continue to enjoy a happy and active life.餵食指南 Ask your veterinarian for specific feeding instructions for your pet. Daily Feeding Recommendations are only a guide and a place to start. Grams are the most accurate form of measurement; cups are estimated from grams.
For best results:
  • Gradually transition to this new food for 7 days or more
  • Exclusively feed the recommended Prescription Diet dry and wet foods
  • Keep fresh water available at all times
  • Have your veterinarian monitor your pet’s condition
  • Cover and refrigerate unused portion
  • To increase chances of a successful outcome, continue feeding the food long-term as recommended by your veterinarian to emphasize the importance of long-term feeding for the best outcome
Adult Mainteance
Weight of Cat – lbs (kgs)Amount per Day – 2.9 oz (82 g) cans
6 (2,7)2 1/2
8 (3,6)3 1/2
10 (4,5)4
12 (5,4)4 1/2
14 (6,4)5
16 (7,3)5 1/2
18 (8,2)6
Package Size 2.9oz per can 24 cans in a tray

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