Hill’s Prescription Canine Metabolic Weight Management 犬用體重管理配方 5.5Kg



專為協助狗狗保持健康體重同時保持能量水平而設。就像人類流行病學調查般,寵物族群近乎55%是過重的。即使是稍微多餘的體重,都可能影響寵物的生活品質及家庭關係;因為多餘的體重可能會減少遊戲時間、衝擊活動力、或影響您愛犬的終生整體健康。維持理想體重可藉由降低過重相關疾病的風險,來幫助影響預期壽命長度。希爾思營養專家及獸醫師群特別研製 希爾思處方食品犬用 Metabolic體重管理 以幫助您的愛犬減重,透過激活牠獨特的新陳代謝達到自然地減重。可以刺激狗狗自體燃燒脂肪的能力,讓牠們保持嬉戲和活躍。 獨特的纖維混合配方有助於讓愛犬保持飽足,減少兩餐之間的飢餓感。在實際餵食此配方的測試中,96% 的寵物,在家裡2個月內就能減重。此乾糧是以雞肉配方製成,是狗狗不可抗拒的美味。產品作用 活化毛孩的新陳代謝,輕鬆有效地減重 刺激狗狗身體燃燒脂肪的自然能力 獨特纖維配方幫助狗狗維持飽足感產品助益 96% 的狗狗,在家2個月內就能減重 幫助持續減輕體重,同時為狗狗活躍的玩樂提供能量活力 輕鬆減重:狗狗能在不過度減少進食量的情況下減輕體重 S+OX 防禦盾牌: 此配方有助於降低泌尿道環境中,磷酸銨鎂及草酸鈣結晶形成的風險附加資訊 採用美國飼料管理協會AAFCO的餵食試驗程序,證實能提供成犬所需的完整均衡營養。 處方食品需經獸醫師推薦、指示及持續追蹤使用。建議您應定期持續徵詢獸醫師之意見。Hills Canine Metabolic Weight Management range is specially designed to help dogs maintain a healthy body weight, whilst maintaining energy levels.Just like the human obesity epidemic, over 55% of the pet population is overweight. Even a little extra weight can impact the pet’s quality of life and relationship with family as the extra weight can reduce play time, impact mobility and affect the lifelong general health of your dog. Maintaining ideal weight can help impact life expectancy by reducing risk of weight-related conditions.Hill’s nutritionists & veterinarians developed Prescription Diet Metabolic clinical nutrition specially formulated to help dogs lose weight and keep the lost weight off naturally by activating their unique metabolism. This food stimulates dog’s natural ability to burn fat and keep them playful & active. Its unique blend of fiber helps keep dogs feeling full and reduces food hunger between meals.In fact, 96% of dogs lost weight at home in 2 months when fed the nutrition of Metabolic. This dry food is made with chicken flavor and has an irresistible taste that dogs love.How it helps
  • 96% of dogs lost weight at home in 2 months
  • Helps keep lost weight off and provides energy for active play
  • Easy weight loss: dogs lose weight without excessively reducing portion sizes
  • S+OXSHIELD: Formulated to promote a urinary environment that reduces the risk of developing struvite & calcium oxalate crystals
How it works
  • Activates pet’s metabolism for easy and effective weight loss
  • Stimulate dog’s natural ability to burn fat
  • Unique blend of fiber helps keep your dog feeling full and satisfied
Additional infoHill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Dry Dog Food provides all the nutrition dogs needs to lose and maintain weight by activating their unique metabolism. Please consult your veterinarian for further information on how our Prescription Diet foods can help your dog to continue to enjoy a happy and active life.Product size 1.5kg / 3.5kg / 5.5kg

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