Hill’s Prescription Canine j/d Metabolic Plus (Metabolic & Mobility) 犬用體重管理及關節護理配方 24Lbs



就像人類流行病學調查般,寵物族群近乎50%是過重的。即使是稍微多餘的體重,都可能影響寵物的生活品質及家庭關係;因為多餘的體重可能會減少遊戲時間、衝擊行動力、或影響您愛犬的終生整體健康。希爾思營養專家及獸醫師群特別研製此配方,以幫助您的愛犬管理體重及維護關節健康。此配方經臨床實驗證明最快21天改善行動力,並於60天內減少13% 體重。


  • 精選可發揮協同作用的食材組成
  • 富含 omega-3 脂肪酸
  • 獨特的綜合蔬果纖維配方


  • 自然地活化寵物的代謝機能
  • 幫助愛犬的跑步、行走和跳躍能力
  • 有助於寵物在正餐之間維持飽足感


希爾思處方食品 犬用Metabolic+Mobility 肥胖代謝+關節活動力 提供您的愛犬減重及體重維持時的完整營養,同時促進關節健康。請諮詢獸醫師以了解希爾思處方食品能如何幫助您的寵物持續享有快樂健康的生活。
Hills Canine Metabolic Plus is specially designed for both Weight Management & Mobility Support, helping dogs with joint issues or stiffness
Just like the human epidemic, almost 50% of the pet population is overweight. Even a little extra weight can impact the pets quality of life and relationship with family because that extra weight can reduce play time, impact mobility and affect the lifelong general health of your dog.Hill’s nutritionists & veterinarians developed Prescription Diet® Metabolic + Mobility Canine clinical nutrition especially formulated to help manage your dog’s weight and joint health. In fact, Metabolic + Mobility Canine has clinically proven nutrition to improve mobility in as little as 21 days AND reduce body weight by 13% in 60 days.

How It Works:

  • A synergistic blend of ingredients
  • High levels of omega-3 fatty acids
  • Unique fiber blend from fruits and vegetables

How It Helps:

  • Naturally works with your pet’s unique metabolism
  • Improves your dog’s ability to run, walk and jump
  • Helps your pet feel full & satisfied between meals

Additional Info:

Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Metabolic + Mobility Canine provides all the nutrition your dog needs during weight loss and maintenance whilst improving joint health. Please consult your veterinarian for further information on how our Prescription Diet® foods can help your dog continue to enjoy a happy and active life.
PRODUCT SIZE: 8.5lbs24.5lbs

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