Ferrotonic Blood Booster Gel for Cat 30g


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貓用 Ferrotonic 血液增強凝膠 鐵、離胺酸、牛磺酸、精胺酸、必需胺基酸、β-葡聚醣和高維生素補充 WIYH 血液增強凝膠,適合兩個月以上的貓適用於有貧血問題的貓、懷孕貓和哺乳貓、飼養員和所有貓性別和年齡鐵有助於預防貧血並讓身體充分發揮作用。鐵螯合,可100%被吸收沒有鐵的營養,紅血球不完整,導致無法輸送氧氣,進而引起貧血 賴氨酸 幫助產生白血球和抗體幫助產生免疫系統的酶幫助強化骨骼並修復組織磨損吸收鈣質,維持骨骼強健沒有賴氨酸營養,身體就無法合成蛋白質,生長速度就會減慢,身體各個系統也無法產生自身的免疫力。 牛磺酸幫助照顧視網膜、增強生殖系統和抗氧化劑如果沒有牛磺酸營養,可能會造成嚴重損害,導致黃斑部病變或失明。 精胺酸它是最重要的必需胺基酸,有助於預防氨中毒。超過24小時沒有精胺酸營養,會導致氨中毒,出現嘔吐、流口水、煩躁不安,最後死亡。 β-葡聚醣增強免疫力,消滅病菌促進傷口癒合並降低膽固醇如果沒有足夠的 β-葡聚醣營養,可能會導致免疫系統功能受損,無法消滅細菌、病毒、真菌或化學物質等病原體。 Cat 產品使用指南
  • 失血、手術後恢復
  • 有血液寄生蟲問題的貓
  • 厭食症和營養不良
  • 疾病或主人更換所帶來的壓力
  • 飼養員
  • 懷孕和哺乳期的貓
  • 成長中的貓
  • 滋養所有性別和年齡的貓的身體
  • 滋養眼睛
  • 滋養心臟
  • 增強免疫力
  • 滋養頭髮和皮膚
  • 有貧血問題
  • 重量小於5公斤。每天餵3克
  • 重量超過5公斤。每天餵6克
 備註:本品為維生素補充劑。它沒有任何藥用價值特性並在獸醫的建議下使用Ferrotonic blood booster gel for Cat IRON, LYSINE, TAURINE, ARGININE, ESSENTIAL, AMINO ACIDS, BETA-GLUCAN AND HIGH-VITAMINSUPPLEMENTATION WIYH BLOOD BOOSTER GEL FOR CATS OVER TWO MONTHS OF AGE AND SUITABLEFOR CATS WITH ANEMIA PROBLEMS, PREGNANT AND NURSING CATS, BREEDERS AND CATS OF ALLGENDERS AND AGESIRONHelp prevent anemia and make the body work at full capacity.Iron chelated that can be absorbed 100%Without iron nutrition, red blood cells are incomplete, resulting in inability to transport oxygen, which causes anemia LYSINE Help produce white blood cells and antibodiesHelp produce enzymes of the immune systemHelp strengthen bones and repair tissue wear and tearAbsorb calcium and maintain strong bonesWithout lysine nutrition, the body will not be able to synthesize protein, growth will slow down, and various body systems will not be able to create their own immunity. TAURINEHelp care for the retina, strengthen the reproductive system and antioxidantsWithout taurine nutrition, itmay cause serious damage, causing macular degeneration or blindness. ARGININEIt is the most important essential amino acid that helps prevent ammonia poisoning.Without arginine nutrition for more than 24 hours, it can result in ammonia poisoning with vomiting, drooling, restlessness, and eventually death. BETA-GLUCANStrengthens immunity and destroys germsEnhance wound healing and lower cholesterolWithout enough beta-glucan nutrition, it can lead to impaired immune system function and the inability to destroy pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or chemicals. Guidelines for Using Cat Products
  • Blood loss, recovery after surgery
  • Cats with blood parasite problems
  • Anorexia and malnutrition
  • Stress from illness or change of owner
  • Breeders
  • Pregnant and nursing cats
  • Growing cats
  • Nourish the body of cats of all genders and ages
  • Nourish the eyes
  • Nourish the heart
  • Boost immunity
  • Nourish the hair and skin
  • Have anemia problem
 How to Use : Feed directly or mix into animal feed as below :
  • weight less than 5 kg. feed 3 grams per day
  • weight more than 5 kg. feed 6 grams per day
 Remark : This product is a vitamin supplement. It has no medicinalproperties and is used under the advice of a veterinarian

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