Elanco Seresto Flea & Tick Collar Large Dog over 18lbs (美版)




Seresto ®狗用跳蚤和蜱蟲項圈

Seresto ®項圈為狗狗提供預防跳蚤和蜱蟲的功能,有助於持續保護狗狗 8 個月。這種安全的跳蚤和蜱蟲治療方法不僅有效,而且在以下方面也很方便:

  • 透過接觸殺死和驅除跳蚤和蜱蟲——無需咬傷
  • 有助於治療及控制犬疥癬
  • 殺死咀嚼蝨子
  • 易於申請
  • 無味
  • 不油膩
  • 防水*

Seresto ®狗項圈如何運作?

Seresto ®項圈採用由兩種活性成分組成的獨特聚合物基質,這些活性成分從直接接觸部位擴散到狗的皮膚表面:
  • 吡蟲啉多年來一直被用於控制跳蚤侵擾的產品。
  • 氟苯菊酯可有效殺死和驅除蜱蟲。
  • 氟菊酯與吡蟲啉協同作用,對跳蚤和蜱蟲具有雙重作用。沒有其他產品具有這種成分組合。

適合:狗(7 週齡或以上)

小號 – 最多 18 磅。 (15 吋領長)
大號 – 超過 18 磅。 (領長 27.5 英吋)
緩釋技術Seresto ® 的作用類似於每月一次的局部用藥,因為活性成分從直接接觸的部位擴散到皮膚表面。 Seresto ®中的活性成分從項圈內以低濃度釋放,並透過寵物的皮膚和皮毛從頭擴散到腳趾,甚至尾巴。隨著活性成分隨著時間的推移而逐漸消失,我們會在 8 個月內以低濃度持續補充新的成分。 Seresto ®的持久效果長達 8 個月,使其有別於其他跳蚤和蜱蟲項圈。Seresto ®狗用具有防水功能。Seresto ®的活性成分 包含在 Elanco 聚合物基質中,使其具有防水性。因此,在寵物浸入水中之前沒有必要將項圈取下。 Seresto ®在洗髮精處理、游泳或暴露在雨中或陽光下後仍然有效。正常情況下,有效期限為八個月。為了維持8個月的持續時間,每月給狗洗澡的次數不得超過一次。對於每月游泳一次或以上的狗,跳蚤的控制時間縮短為五個月,蜱蟲的控制時間縮短為七個月。

Seresto ®狗用需要多長時間才能發揮作用?

Seresto ®在使用後 24 小時內殺死狗身上現有的跳蚤。一旦 Seresto ® 在您的狗身上使用 24 小時,重新感染的跳蚤將在兩小時內被殺死。使用 Seresto ®項圈後 48 小時內即可開始預防新蜱蟲感染。重新感染的蜱蟲會在 6 小時內被驅除和/或殺死。
如何為您的狗佩戴 Seresto ®項圈:
  1. 從包裝中取出項圈。
  2. 展開項圈並從項圈內部取出小塑膠連接器,確保沒有殘留物。
  3. 將衣領末端穿過扣環和環。
  4. 調整狗狗脖子上的項圈,直到它舒適地貼合為止。
  5. 兩根手指應放在衣領和頸部下方,以確保衣領不會太緊。超過環圈一英寸的任何多餘長度都應該被剪掉,除非是在成長中的小狗身上,隨著小狗的成長,可能需要一些額外的長度來調整。
  6. 定期檢查並在必要時調整貼合度,尤其是對於成長中的小狗。
  7. Seresto ®配有三個可選的反光夾,可以將它們固定在項圈上,以幫助您的狗在夜間保持可見。反光夾應均勻分佈在衣領非重疊部分。
Seresto® flea and tick collar for dogs

Seresto® collar provides flea and tick prevention for dogs that helps protect dogs for 8 continuous months. This secure flea and tick treatment is not only effective but also convenient in the following ways:

  • Kills and repels fleas and ticks through contact –– no biting required
  • Aids in the treatment and control of sarcoptic mange on dogs
  • Kills chewing lice
  • Easy to apply
  • Odorless
  • Nongreasy
  • Water resistant*

How do Seresto® collars for dogs work?

The Seresto® collar works with a unique polymer matrix of two active ingredients, which spread from the site of direct contact over the skin surface of your dog:
  • Imidacloprid has been used in products for years to control flea infestations.
  • Flumethrin effectively kills and repels ticks.
  • Flumethrin works together with imidacloprid to provide dual action against fleas and ticks. No other product has this combination of ingredients.

For:  Dogs (7 weeks of age or older)

Small – up to 18lbs. (15″ collar length)
Large – over 18lbs. ( 27.5″ collar length)
Sustained release technologySeresto® works similarly to a monthly topical in the fact that the active ingredients spread from the site of direct contact over the skin surface. The active ingredients in Seresto® are released in low concentrations from within the collar and, thanks to your pet’s skin and coat, spread from head to toes, even the tail. As the active ingredients wear off over time, a new supply is continuously replenished in low concentrations for 8 months. The long-lasting, 8-month duration of Seresto® differentiates it from other flea and tick collars.Seresto® for dogs is water resistant.The active ingredients of Seresto® are contained within the Elanco Polymer Matrix, making it water resistant. Therefore, it is unnecessary to remove the collar before the pet is immersed in water. Seresto® remains effective following a shampoo treatment, swimming, or after exposure to rain or sunlight. Under normal conditions, effectiveness lasts for eight months. To maintain an 8-month duration, dogs must not be bathed more than once per month. For dogs that swim once a month or more, the control duration is reduced to five months for fleas and seven months for ticks.

How long does Seresto® for dogs take to work?

Seresto® kills existing fleas on dogs within 24 hours after application. Once Seresto® has been on your dog for 24 hours, re-infesting fleas are killed within two hours. Infestation prevention with new ticks starts within 48 hours after Seresto® collar application. Re-infesting ticks are repelled and/or killed in as quickly as 6 hours.
How to apply the Seresto® collar on your dog:
  1. Remove the collar from its packaging.
  2. Unroll the collar and remove the small plastic connectors from inside the collar, ensuring that no remnants remain.
  3. Insert the end of the collar through the buckle and loops.
  4. Adjust the collar around your dog’s neck until it fits comfortably on them.
  5. Two fingers should fit beneath the collar and neck to ensure it’s not too tight. Any excess length of the collar beyond an inch past the loops should be cut off, unless it is on a growing puppy, where some additional length may be needed for adjustment as the puppy grows.
  6. Check periodically and adjust fit if necessary, especially on growing puppies.
  7. Seresto® comes with three optional reflector clips that can be attached to the collar to help keep your dog visible at night. The reflector clips should be evenly distributed on the non-overlapping part of the collar.

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