Dermoscent PYOclean Shampoo 200ml





PYOclean®抗菌消炎洗毛水是一種淨化洗毛水,加強復發性皮膚感染的管理。它的濃縮配方富含植物必需脂肪酸(Omega 3和6)和天然抗菌複合物PhytoC-2®,專為狗和貓設計(生理pH值)。 PYOclean®抗菌消炎洗毛水沒有添加香料,旨在: – 輕輕清潔,這要歸功於它的無皂高耐受性清潔基料 – 淨化而不會刺激或使皮膚乾燥 – 恢復皮膚菌群的平衡


– 將洗髮水塗在事先用溫水弄濕的寵物皮毛上。按摩可使產生大量泡沫。至少等待兩分鐘。然後徹底沖洗並擦乾動物。 – 專為敏感皮膚配製的洗毛水,每周可使用一次至幾次。




– 如果發生感染,可以將PYOclean®抗菌消炎洗毛水與藥用洗毛水結合使用,以減輕皮膚乾燥。也可以在感染反復發作之間自行使用。 – 可以配合PYOspot®(一般情況下的定期護理)和PYOclean®擦拭紙(局部問題的清潔護理)的使用,有助於控制和減少復發。



D 0和D 28之間的變化百分比:

狗 – 淨化效果:+ 90% – 舒緩效果:+ 62% – 除臭效果:+ 81%

貓 – 淨化效果:+ 89% – 舒緩效果:+ 61%

Product Description

Purifying shampoo for improved control of skin infections

PYOclean® Shampoo is a purifying shampoo intended to optimize the management of recurrent skin infections. Its concentrated formula, rich in essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6), extracted from plants and the natural antimicrobial complex PhytoC-2®, has been specifically designed for dogs and cats (physiological pH). PYOclean® Shampoo has no added fragrance, and it is a complementary solution intended to: – gently clean, thanks to its soap-free high-tolerance cleansing base – purify without irritating or drying out the skin – restore the balance of the cutaneous flora

Directions for use

– Apply the shampoo on the animal’s coat previously moistened with lukewarm water. Massage to achieve a good volume of lather all over the animal’s body. Leave on for at least two minutes. Then rinse off thoroughly and dry off the animal. – Specifically formulated for sensitive animal skin, this shampoo can be used once to several times a week.


PYOclean® Shampoo contains hemp oil, rich in essential fatty acids (Ω 3 and 6), combined with essential oils of oregano and manuka, propolis, and honey. Its cleansing base is formulated with lipoaminoacides from green apples and degrades quickly in the environment.


– In case of infection, PYOclean® Shampoo can be used in combination with medicated shampoos to alleviate cutaneous dryness, which potentially may be caused by the latter or used on its own between recurrent episodes of infection – It is complementary to PYOspot® (spot-on care for general cases) and PYOclean® Wipes (cleansing care for localized issues), helping to control and reduce recurrences.


The efficacy of PYOclean® Shampoo has been proven in a clinical study carried out under veterinary supervision. A significant improvement in several criteria was established.

Percentage of change between D 0 and D 28:

Dog – Purifying effect: +90% – Soothing effect: +62% – Deodorising effect: +81%

Cat – Purifying effect: +89% – Soothing effect : +61%

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