Dechra Isaderm 5mg/g + 1mg/g Gel for Dogs 15g


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Isaderm Gel(Formerly Fuciderm Gel)Isaderm 是一種白色半透明凝膠,用於局部治療狗的皮膚病,如濕疹(急性濕性皮膚炎)和擦爛(皮膚褶皺皮膚炎)。它以 15 克或 30 克凝膠管形式提供。該凝膠含有夫西地酸和倍他米松。倍他米松是一種皮質類固醇和抗發炎藥,夫西地酸是一種抗生素。使用方法:首先,需要輕輕修剪覆蓋病灶部位的毛髮。然後,在每天使用凝膠之前,需要用消毒劑徹底清潔該區域。每天需要塗抹一層薄薄的凝膠,持續至少 5 天。病灶消退後,仍需治療48小時。應防止狗舔治療區域,以免攝入產品。皮質類固醇會對皮膚產生不可逆的影響。一旦被吸收,就會產生有害影響。孕婦需要格外小心,避免意外接觸。請勿塗抹於眼睛。請勿在有真菌或病毒感染的地方使用。原料
  • 倍他米松戊酸、夫西地酸
Isaderm Gel(Formerly Fuciderm Gel)Isaderm is a white, translucent gel and is for the topical treatment of skin diseases such as wet eczema (acute moist dermatitis) and intertrigo (skin fold dermatitis) on dogs.It is supplied in 15g or 30g tubes of gel.The gel contains fusidic acid and betamethasone. Betamethasone is a corticosteroid and an anti-inflammatory and the fusidic acid is an anti-biotic.How to apply: First, the hairs that are covering the lesions need to be gently clipped. The area then needs to be thoroughly cleaned with an antiseptic wash before every daily application of the gel. A thin layer of gel needs to be applied twice daily for a minimum of 5 days. After the lesion has resolved, treatment will still need to be given for 48 hours.The dog should be prevented from licking the treated areas as risk of ingesting the product.Corticosteroids can produce irreversible effects in the skin. Once absorbed, it can have harmful effects. Pregnant women need to take extra care to avoid accidental exposure.Do not apply to the eye.Do not use where a fungal or viral infection is present.INGREDIENTS
  • Betamethasone Valerate, Fusidic Acid

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