Bravecto Plus For Medium Cats (2.8-6.25kg) 2P 藍


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Bravecto Plus 適用於中型貓,可有效攻擊跳蚤、蜱蟲、心絲蟲、蛔蟲、鉤蟲和耳蟎
適用於中型貓的 250 MG FLURALANER 和 12.5 MG MOXIDECTIN 點滴解決方案活性成分
  • 280 毫克/毫升 氟拉蘭
  • 14 mg/mL 莫昔克丁
  • 另含有:339 毫克/毫升二甲基乙醯胺
  • 治療和預防跳蚤 ( Ctenocephalides felis) 感染 3 個月
  • 治療和控制麻痺蜱(Ixodes holocyclus)10週
  • 快速起效,在新出現的成年跳蚤產卵前將其殺死
  • 透過控製成年跳蚤來降低跳蚤過敏性皮膚炎 (FAD) 的發生率
  • 預防惡絲蟲引起的心絲蟲病 3 個月
  • 治療和控制蛔蟲( 貓弓蛔蟲 的未成熟成蟲(L5)和成蟲以及獅子弓蛔蟲成蟲 )和鉤蟲(第四階段 幼蟲(L4)、未成熟成蟲(L5)和 管狀鉤蟲成蟲 以及 狹頭鉤蟲成蟲
  • 耳蟎(Otodectes cynotis)的治療和控制
  • 殺死先前存在的和新感染的麻痺蜱(全環硬蜱),持續 10 週
  • 在 48 小時內有效控制先前存在的麻痺蜱 ( Ixodes holocyclus ) 感染
  • 使用後 3 個月內可有效治療並預防貓咪身上的跳蚤
  • 治療後 12 小時內跳蚤被殺死,並且在整個治療期間新出現的跳蚤在產生活卵之前被殺死
  • 透過快速起效和針對貓身上的成跳蚤的持久功效,打破了跳蚤的生命週期
  • 貓身上新出現的成年跳蚤在產下可存活的卵之前被殺死
  • 透過控製成年跳蚤來降低跳蚤過敏性皮膚炎 (FAD) 的發生率
  • 預防惡絲蟲引起的心絲蟲病  ,治療控制蛔蟲和鉤蟲
  • 單次治療後對耳蟎感染非常有效
  • 對活性成分或任何賦形劑過敏的情況下不得使用
  • 不應用於 9 週以下的小貓或體重小於 1.2 公斤的貓
  • 在蜱蟲季節,建議每天尋找並清除發現的蜱蟲
  • 治療部位的貓毛可能會顯得潮濕、油膩且輕微結塊
APVMA 批准號:  85416/123724包含:  Bravecto Plus Spot On 適合中型貓 2.8 – 6.25 公斤 2 包 x 2
Bravecto Plus For Medium Cats Effectively Attacks Fleas Ticks Heartworm Roundworm Hookworm And Ear Mites
250 MG FLURALANER and 12.5 MG MOXIDECTIN Spot-on Solution for Medium CatsActive Constituents
  • 280 mg/mL FLURALANER
  • 14 mg/mL MOXIDECTIN
  • Also contains: 339 mg/mL DIMETHYLACETAMIDE
  • Treatment and prevention of flea (Ctenocephalides felis) infestations for 3 months
  • Treatment and control of paralysis tick (Ixodes holocyclus) for 10 weeks
  • Rapid onset of action kills newly emerged adult fleas before they lay eggs
  • Reduces incidence of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) by controlling adult fleas
  • Prevention of heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis for 3 months
  • Treatment and control of roundworm (immature adults (L5) and adults of Toxocara cati and adults of Toxascaris leonina), and hookworm (4th stage larvae (L4), immature adults (L5) and adults of Ancylostoma tubaeforme and adults of Uncinaria stenocephala
  • Treatment and control of ear mites (Otodectes cynotis)
  • Kills pre-existing and new infestations of paralysis ticks (Ixodes holocyclus) for 10 weeks
  • Provides effective control of pre-existing infestations of paralysis ticks (Ixodes holocyclus) within 48 hours
  • Provides effective treatment and prevention of fleas on cats for 3 months following application
  • Fleas are killed by 12 hours after treatment and newly emerged fleas are killed before viable eggs are produced for the entire treatment period
  • The flea life cycle is broken by the rapid onset of action and the long-lasting efficacy against adult fleas on the cat
  • Newly emerged adult fleas on a cat are killed before viable eggs are produced
  • Reduces incidence of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) by controlling adult fleas
  • Prevents heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis and treats and controls roundworms and hookworms
  • Highly effective against ear mite infestations after a single treatment
  • Must not be used in case of hyper-sensitivity to the active constituents or to any of the excipients
  • Should not be used on kittens less than 9 weeks of age or cats weighing less than 1.2kg
  • In tick season, daily searching for and removal of any ticks found is recommended
  • The cat’s coat over the treatment application site may appear damp, greasy and mildly clumped
APVMA APPROVAL NO: 85416/123724Contains: Bravecto Plus Spot On For Medium Cats 2.8 – 6.25kg 2 Pack x 2

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