Assisi Loop targeted PEMF (Loop 2.0-20cm)





關於 Assisi Loop® 10 厘米

Assisi Loop®為所有動物提供安全、非侵入性、非藥物的疼痛管理技術,可用作獨立療法或與獸醫制定的治療計劃結合使用。 PEMF 用於疼痛管理、骨關節炎、發炎、術後癒合和傷口癒合。它透過便攜式、易於使用的設備提供有針對性的脈衝電磁場治療(有針對性的 PEMF),可在診所或家庭中使用。 Loop 已被證明可以減輕疼痛和炎症,並已被 FDA 批准用於人類術後水腫和疼痛的姑息治療。10 公分環的直徑為 10 公分(4 英吋),黑色線圈塗抹器兩側的治療深度為 5 英吋。此尺寸適合覆蓋較小區域的情況,例如眼睛、嘴巴、四肢和爪子/蹄子。Assisi Loop®可與雷射療法、針灸、脊椎矯正療法以及疼痛和發炎藥物一起使用。它幫助客戶將康復帶回家。使用 Assisi Loop 不會幹擾標準治療程序或止痛藥。Assisi Loop®已用於狗、貓、馬、兔子和其他動物的疼痛管理、骨關節炎、發炎、水腫(腫脹)、術後癒合和傷口癒合。Loop 治療:
  • 骨科損傷
  • 退化性疾病
  • 神經系統問題
  • 術後疼痛和腫脹
  • 內部發炎狀況
  • 傷口護理
  • 每 15 分鐘治療後自動關閉。無需計時器!
  • 提供至少 150 次、每次 15 分鐘的護理
  • 針對疼痛和發炎的非侵入性、非藥物治療
  • 輕的
  • 透過包裹、敷料和石膏直接治療
  • 易於在家中或臨床環境中進行管理
Assisi Loop®為所有動物提供安全的疼痛管理技術,可用作獨立療法或與獸醫制定的治療計劃結合使用。 The Loop 為寵物主人提供了繼續在家治療寵物的機會,並在寵物的康復過程中發揮積極作用。描述


Assisi Loop® 2.0有兩種尺寸可供選擇:10 公分(4 吋)和 20 公分(7.5 吋)。 10 公分環在黑色線圈塗抹器兩側的治療深度均為 12.5 公分。此尺寸適合覆蓋較小區域的情況,例如眼睛、嘴巴、四肢和爪子/蹄子。點擊此處查看 20 厘米阿西西環



一般來說,tPEMF 可用於加速癒合、減少發炎和降低疼痛程度。對於任何類型的骨科損傷或手術,Loop 都是恢復階段使用的絕佳工具。磁場穿透皮毛、繃帶和石膏,到達目標區域的所有組織。透過發射微電流脈衝,阿西西環產生一個場,均勻地穿透目標區域周圍的軟組織和硬組織。這種電磁場會引起化學級聯,從而激活一氧化氮循環。一氧化氮是人類和動物治癒的關鍵分子。當我們運動和受傷時,這種化合物就會釋放出來,讓身體自然修復。Loop 增加一氧化氮的產生,幫助加速軟組織和硬組織的癒合,包括皮膚、肌腱、韌帶、骨骼和器官。已發現環路使用的頻率與突發寬度的特定比率對於提供與身體已使用的電流量相似的電流量是最有效的。更多並不總是更好,過多的一氧化氮產生實際上會減慢癒合速度。選擇 PEMF 設備時,最好知道更多的功率與更快的癒合無關。


阿西西循環雖然調節血流,但它可以增加血流不良區域的患者的血流和組織氧合作用,從而改善整體組織健康並減少與缺乏足夠氧氣相關的疼痛。我們經常聽到寵物主人的報告說,一旦他們開始使用 Loop 進行治療,他們的動物就會放鬆​​下來。鑑於 Loop 具有許多治療功效,這並不奇怪。有些動物會注意到血流量增加,因為隨著血液循環的增加,通常會出現溫暖或刺痛的感覺。然而,這是微妙的,許多動物根本不會注意到。


無論接受什麼治療,我們建議您每天開始進行 3 到 4 次 15 分鐘的治療,以治療急性和慢性或退化性疾病。對於急性病症(例如手術後治療或創傷恢復),我們建議您在第一週左右每天繼續治療 3 到 4 次,然後在接下來的 7 到 10 天內逐漸減少,或直到病情緩解為止。 。對於慢性或退化性疾病,我們建議您繼續每天 3 到 4 次治療,持續 7 到 10 天,並監測動物,直到您看到活動能力改善和疼痛反應減輕。同樣,您可以逐漸減少到每天 1 到 2 次治療,甚至每週 1-3 次治療。對於一些慢性和退化性疾病,患者可能會達到這樣的地步:他們只會根據需要接受疼痛治療,特別是如果病情容易發作的話。最後,您要考慮到阿西西循環正在催化抗發炎級聯反應,並加速身體自身的癒合特性。我們依靠獸醫對動物進行評估,並與寵物主人一起針對每種情況制定最佳治療方案。


對於 10 公分環,有效治療區域在塗抹器線圈平面上方和下方延伸 12.5 公分。該區域在塗抹器線圈周圍最寬處的直徑也是 12.5 公分。點擊此處查看 20 厘米阿西西環


對於急性炎症,第一次或第二次治療後您應該會看到明顯的緩解。對於慢性或退化性問題,您可能在 1 至 2 週內看不到明顯效果。您需要繼續按照建議進行治療,以實現持續的長期癒合。

為什麼我需要諮詢獸醫才能獲得 Loop?

首先,您的家庭獸醫也可能攜帶阿西西環,這樣他們也許就能為您購買一個。阿西西與獸醫專業人士的關係對於您寵物的健康至關重要。獸醫能夠確定問題的嚴重程度,並且通常能夠找出動物體內需要治療的特定區域。獸醫直接與客戶及其寵物合作,並就最有效的治療計劃向他們提供建議。阿西西循環通常是綜合多模式治療計劃的一部分。寵物主人可以定期拜訪獸醫,獲得寵物進度評估以及繼續使用 Loop 治療的最新建議,從而受益匪淺。寵物主人可以在家中監控他們的動物,並與獸醫一起確定長期治療的最佳方案。


Assisi Loop 2.0 提供至少 150 次 15 分鐘的護理。Loop 的壽命取決於電池。如果您在每 15 分鐘的療程後讓 Loop 充電 2 小時,您獲得的療程次數可能會超過上述最低次數。此時,沒有辦法對電池進行充電或更換。一個阿西西環可以持續 3 週到 6 個月,取決於所治療的病情和每天所需的治療次數。

我的寵物保險是否涵蓋 Loop 的費用?


Assisi Loop® 可以用於寵物的金屬植入物嗎?

獸醫植入物的尺寸不足以顯著分散、削弱或以其他方式對 Loop 訊號的治療效果產生不利影響。此外,許多獸醫手術植入物是由非磁性材料製成的,因此 Loop 訊號不會產生磁感應效應。

Assisi Loop® 可以用於有心律調節器或其他植入醫療電子設備的寵物嗎?

出於謹慎考慮,如果您或您的寵物有起搏器或其他電子設備,我們建議不要使用 Assisi Loop。

如何確保 LOOP 保持在原位?


如何處置 Assisi Loop®?

您可以將 Loop 帶到任何提供電子產品回收的設施。這將有助於負責任地處置鋰電池和銅線。或者,返回給我們,我們將為您完成此操作。  A safe, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical pain management technology used in dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and other animals for pain management, osteoarthritis, inflammation, oedema (swelling), post-surgical healing and wound healing.

About Assisi Loop® 10cm

The Assisi Loop® offers all animals a safe, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical pain management technology that can be used as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with the treatment plan your veterinarian has in place. PEMF is used in pain management, osteoarthritis, inflammation, post-surgical healing and wound healing.It provides targeted Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (targeted PEMF) in a portable, easy-to-use device that can be used in clinic or in the home. The Loop has been proven to reduce pain and inflammation and has been cleared by the FDA for palliative treatment of post-operative oedema and pain in humans.The 10cm Loop has a diameter of 10cms (4 inches) and a treatment depth of 5 inches on either side of the black coil applicator. This size is appropriate for conditions that cover a smaller area such as eyes, mouth, limbs and paws/hooves.The Assisi Loop® can be used adjunctively with laser therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic and pain and inflammation medications. It helps clients to bring healing home. Use of the Assisi Loop will NOT interfere with standard treatment procedures or pain management medication.The Assisi Loop® has been used in dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and other animals for pain management, osteoarthritis, inflammation, oedema (swelling), post-surgical healing and wound healing.The Loop treats:
  • Orthopaedic injuries
  • Degenerative disorders
  • Neurological issues
  • Post-surgical pain and swelling
  • Internal inflammatory conditions
  • Wound care
Excellent for multiple uses including both acute and chronic, degenerative conditions
  • Shuts itself off after each 15-minute treatment. No timer needed!
  • Offers a minimum of 150, 15-minute treatments
  • Non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment for pain and inflammation
  • Lightweight
  • Treats directly through wraps, dressings, and casts
  • Easy to administer at home or in a clinical setting
The Assisi Loop® offers all animals a safe pain management technology that can be used as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with the treatment plan your veterinarian has in place. The Loop offers pet owners the opportunity to continue healing their pet at home and to take a proactive role in their pet’s recovery.Description

Available Options

The Assisi Loop® 2.0, Available in two sizes: 10cm (4 in) and 20cm (7.5 in). The 10cm Loop has a treatment depth of 12.5cm on either side of the black coil applicator. This size is appropriate for conditions that cover a smaller area such as eyes, mouth, limbs and paws/hooves.Click here for the 20cm Assisi Loop


How does the Assisi Loop work?

In general, tPEMF can be used to speed healing, reduce inflammation, and lower pain levels. For any kind of orthopedic injury or surgery, the Loop is a great tool to use in the recovery stage. The field penetrates fur, bandages, and casts to reach all the tissue in the target area.By emitting bursts of microcurrent electricity, the Assisi Loop creates a field which evenly penetrates both soft and hard body tissue around the target area. This electromagnetic field causes a chemical cascade, which activates the Nitric Oxide cycle. Nitric Oxide is a key molecule in healing for humans and animals. The compound is released when we exercise, and when we are injured, for the body to naturally repair itself.The Loop increases Nitric Oxide production to help speed healing of soft and hard tissues–that includes skin, tendons, ligaments, bones and organs. The specific ratio of frequency to burst width used by the Loop has been found to be the most effective at delivering the amount of current that is similar to what is already used by the body. More is not always better, and too much Nitric Oxide production can actually slow healing. When choosing a PEMF device, it is good to know that more power is not correlated with faster healing.

Will my pet feel anything?

While the Assisi Loop REGULATES blood flow, it can increase blood flow and tissue oxygenation for patients who have poor blood flow to areas, which improves the overall tissue health and reduces pain associated with lack of sufficient oxygen. We often hear reports from pet owners that their animal relaxes as soon as they start their treatments with the Loop. With the many healing benefits that the Loop offers, this is not surprising.Some animals will notice the increased blood flow because with increased circulation there is often a warming or tingling sensation. This is subtle, however, and many animals won’t notice at all.

How do I use the Loop?

Regardless of what is being treated, we recommend that you start with 3 to 4 15-minute treatments per day for acute and chronic or degenerative conditions.For acute conditions (such as post-surgical treatment or recovery from a trauma), we recommend that you continue 3 to 4 treatments per day for the first week or so and then taper off for the next 7 to 10 days or until the condition is fully healed.For chronic or degenerative conditions, we recommend that you continue with 3 to 4 treatments per day for 7 to 10 days and monitor the animal until you see improved mobility and less pain response. Again, you can taper down to 1 or 2 treatments per day or even 1-3 treatments per week. With some chronic and degenerative conditions, the patient may get to the point that they would only be treated as needed for pain, particularly if it is a condition that is prone to flare-ups.Ultimately, you want to consider that the Assisi Loop is catalyzing the anti-inflammatory cascade as well as accelerating the body’s own healing properties. We rely on veterinarians to assess the animal and to work with the pet owner on the best treatment protocols for each case.

What is the therapy field like? How large, what shape, etc.?

For the 10cm Loop, the effective treatment zone extends 12.5 cm above and below the plane of the applicator coil. The diameter of the zone is also 12.5cm at its widest point around the applicator coil.Click here for the 20cm Assisi Loop

How soon will I see results?

For acute inflammation, you should see noticeable relief after the first or second treatment. With chronic or degenerative issues, you may not see notable results for 1 to 2 weeks. You’ll want to continue the treatments as recommended for continued long-term healing.

Why do I need to talk to a veterinarian to get the Loop?

Firstly, your family veterinarian may also carry the Assisi Loops so they may be able to get you one. Assisi’s relationship with veterinary professionals is paramount to your pet’s health. Veterinarians are able to determine the severity of an issue and are generally able to pinpoint the specific area in the animal’s body that needs treatment. Veterinarians work with clients and their pets directly and advise them on the most effective treatment plans. Often the Assisi Loop is a part of an integrated multi-modal treatment plan. Pet owners benefit from visiting their vets on a regular basis, getting assessments on their pet’s progress and up-to-date advice on continued treatment with the Loop. Pet owners have the advantage of monitoring their animals at home and determining with their vet the best course for long-term treatment.

How long will the Loop last?

The Assisi Loop 2.0 offers a minimum of 150 15-minute treatments.The life of the Loop depends on the battery. You’re likely to get more than the minimum number of treatments noted above if you allow the Loop to recharge for 2 hours after every 15-minute treatment. At this time, there is no way to recharge or replace the battery. One Assisi Loop can last anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 months, depending on the condition being treated and the number of treatments required per day.

Will my pet insurance cover the cost of the Loop?

Most pet owner insurance will cover prescribed treatments. We recommend that you contact your insurance company for more information.

Can the Assisi Loop® be used over metal implants in pets?

The size of veterinary implants are not sufficient to significantly distract, weaken or otherwise adversely affect the therapeutic effect of the Loop’s signal. Additionally, many veterinary surgical implants are made of non-magnetic materials, so there are no magnetic induction effects from the Loop’s signal.

Can the Assisi Loop® be used on a pet with a pacemaker or other implanted medical electronic devices?

Out of an abundance of caution, we recommend not using the Assisi Loop if you or your pet has a pacemaker or other electronic devices.

How do I make sure the LOOP stays in place?

Keeping the pet in your lap or in a contained area can be helpful in ensuring the full treatment is completed. Please note that if you plan to use a metal crate for treatment, the metal can diminish the impact of the treatment. While it is not dangerous, it will likely reduce the dose received.

How do I dispose of the Assisi Loop®?

You can take the Loop to any facility that offers electronics recycling. This will allow for responsible disposal of the lithium batteries as well as the copper wire. Alternatively, return to us, and we will do this for you.

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