Apoquel Original Tablets 16mg 止痕藥


貨號: 087219131084 分類:


Apoquel 用於治療和控制由多種原因引起的狗的瘙癢和炎症,包括跳蚤過敏、食物過敏、接觸性過敏和異位性皮膚炎。 Apoquel 在 4 小時內起效。 24小時內有效控制搔癢。
  • 4 小時內起效
  • 24小時內有效止癢
  • 短期和長期使用均安全
  • 可與許多其他常見藥物一起使用,包括殺寄生蟲劑、抗生素和疫苗
  • 具有獨特的止癢作用,同時對免疫功能的負面影響最小
  • 控制與過敏性皮膚炎相關的搔癢並控制異位性皮膚炎
  • 依據狗狗體重公斤數計算,每公斤給予 0.4-0.6 毫克劑量
Apoquel is used to treat and control itching and inflammation in dogs resulting from a variety of causes, including flea allergy, food allergy, contact allergy and atopic dermatitis. Apoquel delivers onset of relief within 4 hours. It effectively controls itching within 24 hours.
  • Provides onset of relief within 4 hours
  • Effectively controls itch within 24 hours
  • Safe for short term and long term usage
  • Can be used along with many other common medications, including parasiticides, antibiotics, and vaccines
  • Uniquely targeted to stop the itch with minimal negative impact on immune function
  • Controls pruritus associated with allergic dermatitis and controls atopic dermatitis



100粒, 10粒

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