APO-Frusemide 20mg 100Tablet


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速尿 20 毫克片劑用於清除貓和狗體內系統中多餘的液體。在大多數情況下,呋塞米用於患有輕度心臟衰竭的狗和腎功能和肝功能下降的貓。活性成分呋塞米是一種作用迅速的利尿劑。它可以增加貓腎臟的循環,減少狗肺部的水分滯留。當按照獸醫的指示服用時,速尿可以有效治療與心臟功能不全、腎功能障礙和創傷相關的水腫。Furosemide 20mg Tablets are used to clear excess fluid from systems in the bodies of cats and dogs. In most instances, Furosemide is prescribed for dogs with mild heart failure and cats with reduced kidney and liver functions. The active ingredient, Furosemide, is a diurectic with rapid action. It increases circulation in the kidneys of cats and reduces water retention in the lungs of dogs.When given as directed by your vet, Furosemide provides effective treatment of oedema associated with cardiac insufficiency, renal dysfunction and trauma.

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