Dermcare Aloveen Oatmeal Shampoo 250ml


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特別適用於毛髮糾結無光澤之長毛犬貓 不含皂基或清潔劑成分,適合犬貓皮膚pH值產品特性:
  • 富含天然萃取的精製膠體燕麥,包覆於蘆薈凝膠中,經證明有助於舒緩鎮靜乾燥搔癢皮膚。
  • 使寵物皮毛亮澤柔順、不糾結,散發舒適宜人天然香氛
  • 特別適用於毛髮糾結無光澤之長毛犬貓、皮膚曬傷之淺色犬
  • 溫和洗淨犬貓皮毛髒污、過敏原及化學物質,低過敏不刺激皮膚
  • 低過敏,不含皂基或清潔劑成分,適合犬貓皮膚pH值。幼犬、幼貓亦可安心使用
  • 不會過度清潔皮膚之正常脂質,洗後皮毛不乾澀
 使用方法:1. 以清水充分打濕寵物皮毛2. 將適量愛柔燕麥蘆薈洗毛精倒在犬貓皮毛若干不同部位,輕柔地按摩使其起泡並滲入皮毛3. 停留5分鐘以確實發揮燕麥鎮靜舒緩效果4. 以清水將寵物毛髮沖洗乾淨,並將毛髮完全吹亁5. 毛髮吹亁後,建議搭配愛柔燕麥蘆薈濃縮順毛膏使用製造廠 澳洲得膚克Dermcare-Vet Pty Ltd.Aloveen Oatmeal Shampoo is a gentle and effective shampoo which naturally soothes skin, reduces dryness and helps prevent dermatitis.Aloveen Shampoo and Aloveen Intensive Conditioner can be used on any dog or cat that enjoys a moisturising, lightly fragranced shampoo, and helps those who suffer from dry and itchy skin. The Aloveen range can be used at any age on dogs, puppies, cats and kittens.Dogs and cats with normal skin will benefit from:
  • Clean skin and fur thanks to the gently foaming shampoo base
  • The soap-free pH balanced formula that allows them to retain their natural coat oils
  • A glossy coat thanks to the inclusion of emollients and moisturisers
Aloveen is also ideal for dog and cats with allergies. Pets with allergies often suffer from dry and itchy skin. Two common types of skin problems include ATOPY and CONTACT ALLERGY. Atopy is often used to refer to a condition of suffering multiple allergies, including those to various airborne pathogens, dust mites and pollens. A contact allergy can be caused by anything that the animal’s skin comes into contact with, such as certain types of grasses. It usually causes irritation of the feet and belly.Two important aspects of treating allergies can be done with Aloveen shampoo and conditioner:
  • Soothing the skin with both the superfine colloidal oatmeal particles and aloe vera
  • Removing the allergens (e.g. pollens) from their skin with the gently foaming shampoo base
Tips for using Aloveen Shampoo and Aloveen Intensive Conditioner:
  • Wet the coat thoroughly.
  • Apply Aloveen Shampoo to several points and massge in gently. Using a sponge can help with the lathering action.
  • Leave on for 5 minutes to allow the soothing properties of oatmeal to take effect.
  • Rinse thoroughly.
  • Apply Aloveen Intensive Conditioner lightly to the coat at several points to facilitate coverage.
  • Massage in thoroughly.
  • Can be rinsed lightly or left on the coat.
  • Gently dry and brush the coat as normal.

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