Jurox Juroclav 50mg Broad Spectrum Antibiotic Tablets


貨號: 9338094029784 分類:


Juroclav 結合了值得信賴的活性物質阿莫西林和克拉維酸,用於廣譜口服治療狗、貓和小牛的細菌感染。對許多抗生素的抗藥性是由 β-內醯胺酶引起的,β-內醯胺酶會在抗生素作用於細菌之前將其破壞。 Juroclav 中的克拉維酸鹽透過滅活 β-內醯胺酶來抵消這種防禦機制,從而使生物體對阿莫西林在體內容易達到的濃度下的快速殺菌作用敏感。



  • 阿莫西林(阿莫西林三水合物)40 mg、200 mg 或 400 mg
  • 克拉維酸(克拉維酸鉀)10 mg、50 mg 或 100 mg。


Juroclav 50片和250片:臨床顯示,Juroclav可有效治療貓和狗的多種疾病,包括皮膚病(深部和表淺膿皮病)、泌尿道感染、呼吸道疾病(涉及上呼吸道和下呼吸道) )和腸炎。 Juroclav 片劑對貓和狗中常見的細菌具有顯著的廣譜殺菌活性,適用於口服治療由敏感生物體引起的細菌感染。Juroclav 500 片劑:對牛犢和狗中常見的細菌具有顯著的廣譜殺菌活性,適用於口服治療由敏感生物體引起的細菌感染。這些包括小牛和狗的腸炎和呼吸道感染以及狗的皮膚感染。


僅用於口服給藥。 Juroclav 50 和 250 片劑可以從手中接受,或者也可以將片劑壓碎並添加到少量食物中。
小牛劑量率為 6.25 mg/kg(1 x 500 mg 片劑/80 kg)體重,每天兩次。對於初始劑量和嚴重受影響的犢牛,使用 12.5 mg/kg(1 x 500 mg 片劑/40 kg)體重的較高劑量率。治療應持續至所有症狀消退後 12 小時。例如,一頭 40 公斤重的小牛最初需要一片 Juroclav 500 片劑,然後每天兩次,每次半片 Juroclav 500 片劑。在嚴重的情況下,應給予 Juroclav 500 片劑,每日兩次。
貓和狗標準劑量率為 12.5 mg/kg(1 x 50 mg 片劑/4 kg、1 x 250 mg 片劑/20 kg、1 x 500 mg 片劑/40 kg)體重,每天兩次。片劑可以根據需要減半或四分之一。對於大多數感染,包括皮膚、泌尿道和胃腸道感染,上述給藥方案已被發現是有效的。然而,難治性病例,特別是呼吸道病例,透過將劑量加倍至 25 毫克/公斤體重,每日兩次,治癒率有所提高。
Juroclav combines trusted actives amoxycillin and clavulanic acid for broad spectrum oral treatment of bacterial infections in dogs, cats and calves.Resistance to many antibiotics is caused by β-lactamase enzymes which destroy the antibiotic before it can act on the bacteria. The clavulanate in Juroclav counteracts this defence mechanism by inactivating the β-lactamases, thus rendering the organisms sensitive to amoxycillin’s rapid bactericidal effect at concentrations readily attainable in the body.

Technical Information

Active Constituent(s)

Each tablet contains:
  • Amoxycillin (as amoxycillin trihydrate) 40 mg, 200 mg or 400 mg
  • Clavulanic acid (as clavulanate potassium) 10 mg, 50 mg or 100 mg.


Juroclav 50 and 250 tablets: Clinically, Juroclav has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of diseases of cats and dogs, including skin disease (deep and superficial pyodermas), urinary tract infection, respiratory disease (involving upper and lower respiratory tract) and enteritis. Juroclav tablets have a notably broad spectrum of bactericidal activity against bacteria commonly found in cats and dogs, and are indicated for the oral treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible organisms.Juroclav 500 tablets: Have a notably broad spectrum of bactericidal activity against bacteria commonly found in calves and dogs and are indicated for the oral treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible organisms. These include enteritis and respiratory infections in calves and dogs and skin infections in dogs.


For oral administration only. Juroclav 50 and 250 Tablets may be accepted from the hand, or alternatively, the tablets may be crushed and added to a little food.
CalvesDose rate is 6.25 mg/kg (1 x 500 mg tablet/80 kg) bodyweight twice daily. Use a higher dose rate of 12.5 mg/kg (1 x 500 mg tablet/40 kg) bodyweight for the initial dose and for severely affected calves. Treatment should be continued until 12 hours after all symptoms have subsided. For example, a 40 kg calf requires one Juroclav 500 tablet initially, followed by one-half of a Juroclav 500 tablet twice daily. In severe cases, one Juroclav 500 tablet twice daily should be given.
Cats & DogsThe standard dose rate is 12.5 mg/kg (1 x 50 mg tablet/4 kg, 1 x 250 mg tablet/20 kg, 1 x 500 mg tablet/40 kg) bodyweight twice daily. Tablets can be halved or quartered as necessary. For the majority of infections, including those of the skin, urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract, the above dosing regimen has been found to be effective. Refractory cases, however, particularly those of the respiratory tract, have shown improved cure rates by doubling the dose to 25 mg/kg bodyweight twice daily.



100粒, 20粒, 50粒

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