PAW Osteosupport Joint Care for Dogs 150caps




  • 含有高含量的 Omega 3(EPA、DHA 和 ETA),可緩解狗狗的關節疼痛。
  • 含有天然來源的醣胺聚醣(6 硫酸軟骨素),是軟骨生成所需的關鍵營養素,有助於關節護理。
  • 計量好的膠囊劑量,易於給您的寵物服用。
  • 低成本每日劑量對於小型犬僅 50 美分起。  
  • 對於表現出關節炎臨床症狀的狗:例如跛行、不願起身、活動能力下降。
  • 對於隨著年齡的增長而“減慢”的狗。
  • 作為狗藥物止痛的輔助劑。例如。非類固醇抗發炎藥。
A highly concentrated green lipped mussel powder that is clinically proven to provide relief from arthritic symptoms in a measured capsule dose.
  • With high levels of Omega 3 (EPA, DHA & ETA) for joint pain relief for dogs.
  • Includes a natural source of glycosaminoglycans (Chondroitin 6 Sulfate) that are key nutrients required for cartilage production to aid joint care.
  • Measured capsule dose that’s easy to give to your pet.
  • Low cost daily dose starting from only 50 cents for small dogs.
  • For dogs displaying the clinical signs of arthritis: e.g. lameness, reluctance to rise, reduced mobility.
  • For dogs that are ‘slowing down’ with age.
  • As an adjunct with pharmaceutical pain relief for dogs. eg. NSAIDs.

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