PAW Osteosupport Joint Care for Cats 60caps


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一種高度濃縮的綠唇貽貝粉,經臨床證明可以緩解貓的關節炎。隨著貓年齡的增長,它們似乎只是隨著年齡的增長而減慢速度,但研究表明許多貓患有骨關節炎。 Perna128 ®是貓用 PAW Osteosupport 中的高濃度綠唇貽貝粉,是一種新鮮收穫的綠唇貽貝,採用一步式專有工藝在較低溫度下製造,以提高營養產量
  • 富含 Omega 3(EPA、DHA 和 ETA),可緩解貓咪的關節疼痛。
  • 含有天然來源的醣胺聚醣(6 硫酸軟骨素),是軟骨生成所需的關鍵營養素,有助於關節護理。
  • 計量好的膠囊劑量很容易打開並撒在食物上,即使是最挑剔的貓也可以使用。
  • 貓的每日劑量成本低廉,只要 62 美分起。 (參見研究部分)。 
  • 對於表現出關節炎臨床症狀的貓:例如跛行、不願起身、活動能力下降。
  • 適用於隨著年齡的增長而「緩慢」或難以跳躍的貓。
  • 作為貓藥物止痛的輔助劑。例如。非類固醇抗發炎藥。
A highly concentrated green lipped mussel powder that is clinically proven to provide arthritis relief for cats.As cats get older they simply seem to slow down with age, however research suggests that many cats suffer from Osteoarthritis.  Perna128®, the highly concentrated green lipped mussel powder in PAW Osteosupport for cats, is a freshly harvested green lipped mussel, that is manufactured at lower temperatures following a one step propriety process for a higher yield of nutrients
  • With high levels of Omega 3 (EPA, DHA & ETA) for joint pain relief for cats.
  • Includes a natural source of glycosaminoglycans (Chondroitin 6 Sulfate) that are key nutrients required for cartilage production to aid joint care.
  • Measured capsule dose that is easy to open and sprinkle on food, for even the fussiest of cats.
  • Low cost daily dose starting from only 62 cents for cats. (See research section).
  • For cats displaying the clinical signs of arthritis: e.g. lameness, reluctance to rise, reduced mobility.
  • For cats that are ‘slowing down’ with age or struggling to jump up.
  • As an adjunct with pharmaceutical pain relief for cats. eg. NSAIDs.

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