Bayer Seresto Small Dog Collar Up To 8Kg (澳版)


貨號: 9310160823298 分類:


  • 治療及預防跳蚤侵擾長達 8 個月
  • 推薦用於治療和控制跳蚤過敏性皮膚炎 (FAD)
  • 控制麻痺蜱和布希蜱
  • 殺死棕色狗蜱蟲
  • 埃利希體病的第一線預防性治療。
  • 減少無形體病的傳播
  • 治療蝨子
Seresto 項圈是一種創新、持久的狗跳蚤和蜱蟲保護裝置。此項圈可提供長達 8 個月的跳蚤和麻痺蜱防護。此外,它還能殺死棕色狗蜱並控制小狗和狗體內的灌木蜱。Seresto Collar 不僅能殺死致命的麻痺蜱,還能驅除致命的麻痺蜱,持續 4 個月。Seresto Collar 可減少棕色狗蜱攜帶的各種疾病的傳播,包括埃利希體病、巴貝蟲病、無形體病,持續四個月。此外,它還能治療蝨子、治療和控制跳蚤過敏性皮膚炎,並減少危及生命的媒介傳播疾病的傳播,這些疾病是在蜱蟲吸食狗血時傳播的。Seresto 項圈為 7 週齡以上的幼犬提供持久的跳蚤和蜱蟲保護。這款易於使用的項圈無味且防水。“現在註冊了針對狗的額外跳蚤絛蟲感染預防措施和長達 8 個月的更長麻痺蜱保護措施。”注意:隨著這一變化,將會有一些包裝更新,透過過度貼紙現有的 Seresto 庫存來突出顯示。不過,並非所有股票都可以過度貼標。由於 Seresto 項圈沒有以任何方式改變以獲得索賠延期,因此現在流通的所有庫存都可以有效控制麻痺蜱長達八個月,並防止跳蚤絛蟲感染。它是如何運作的?Seresto 項圈含有吡蟲啉和氟苯菊酯的獨特組合。活性成分從項圈與皮膚接觸的地方擴散到狗的整個皮膚表面。吡蟲啉可殺死跳蚤,氟菊酯可殺死蜱蟲。此作用方式不需要跳蚤或蜱蟲叮咬和攝取化學物質。因此,狗可以免受跳蚤叮咬。現有的蜱蟲需要清除,因為使用項圈後無法立即殺死它們。Seresto 專門設計了安全關閉機制,以確保狗的安全。
  • Treats and prevents flea infestations for upto 8 months
  • Recommended for the treatment and control of Flea Allergic Dermatitis (FAD)
  • Controls Paralysis ticks and Bush ticks
  • Kills Brown-dog ticks
  • First line preventative treatment for Ehrlichiosis.
  • Reduces transmission of Anaplasmosis
  • Treats lice
Seresto collar is an innovative, long-lasting flea and tick protection for dogs. The collar provides flea and paralysis tick protection for up to 8 months. Plus, it kills Brown dog ticks and controls bush ticks in puppies and dogs. Seresto Collar not only kills but also repels deadly paralysis ticks for 4 months.Seresto Collar reduces transmission of various diseases carried by brown dog ticks that includes Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis for four months. Plus, it treats lice, treats and controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis and reduces the spread of life-threatening vector-borne diseases which are transmitted when ticks take a blood meal from your dog.Seresto collar offers lasting flea and tick protection in puppies from 7 weeks of age. This easy-to-use collar is odourless and water-resistant.“Now registered with an additional flea tapeworm infection prevention for dogs and a longer paralysis tick protection for 8 months.”Note: With this change there will be some packaging updates highlighted by overstickering existing Seresto stock. Not every stock, though, can be overstickered. Since the Seresto collar hasn’t been altered in any manner to obtain the claim extension, all of the stock that is now in circulation effectively controls paralysis ticks for eight months and prevents flea tapeworm infection.How does it work?Seresto collar contains unique combination of imidacloprid and flumethrin. The active ingredients spread from where the collar contacts the skin, over the entire skin surface of your dog. Imidacloprid kills fleas and flumethrin kills ticks. The mode of action does not require fleas or ticks to bite and ingest the chemical. Hence, the dog is protected against flea bites. Existing ticks need to be removed as they cannot be killed immediately after collar application. Seresto is especially designed with a safety-closure mechanism for dog’s safety.

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