Mirtazapine 開胃藥 2mg Tab


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米氮平有時用於改變狗和貓的行為,但更常被用作不願進食的寵物的食慾興奮劑。它通常用於長期控制狗發炎性腸道疾病 (IBD) 和老年腎衰竭貓等疾病。一些獸醫也可能用它來治療狗的分離焦慮、排尿不當(尿液噴灑)和貓的焦慮。在患有間質性膀胱炎的貓中使用這種藥物是基於這種疾病與壓力的相關性,以及由於這種疾病而導致的中樞神經系統活動增加(因為排尿頻繁和疼痛)。


  • 為不願進食的寵物提供食慾興奮劑
  • 也用於行為矯正以及減輕壓力和焦慮
  • 控制發炎性腸道疾病和腎衰竭






  • 一般來說,米氮平給狗狗每天一次,給貓咪每週兩次。然而,劑量因體重和獸醫指示而異,因此請相應使用。
  • 它用於治療食慾不振和噁心同時出現的病症。
  • 它也用於減輕治療癌症時化療引起的噁心。




對於已知患有心臟病或腦血管疾病的寵物應謹慎使用米氮平,這些疾病可能會因低血壓而加劇。患有腎功能不全、腎衰竭或肝病的寵物可能需要較低劑量的米氮平,並且在米氮平治療期間應進行監測。該藥物已獲得 FDA 批准用於人類。然而,獸醫通常的做法是給狗和貓開這種藥物。




Mirtazapine is used in behavior modification in dogs and cats on occasion but has been used more often as an appetite stimulant in pets that are reluctant to eat. It is commonly used for long term control of diseases like Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Dogs (IBD) and in elderly renal failure cats. Some veterinarians may also use it for the treatment of separation anxiety in dogs, inappropriate urination (urine spraying) and anxiety in cats. The use of this drug in cats with interstitial cystitis is based on the condition’s association with stress, and increased central nervous system activity occurring as a result of this disorder (because of frequent and painful urination).

Key Features

  • Appetite stimulant for pets who are reluctant to eat
  • Also used for behavior modification and reduction of stress and anxiety
  • Controls Inflammatory Bowel disease and renal failure

How It Works

Mirtazapine causes a side effect that stimulates appetite. It also has strong anti-nausea properties that block signals from the intestine and stomach that communicate with the vomit center of the brain.


Mirtazapine tablets are indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder.


  • Generally, Mirtazapine is given once a day to dogs, and twice a week to cats. However, dosages vary by weight and by veterinarians instructions so use accordingly.
  • It is used to treat conditions where poor appetite and nausea go together.
  • It is also used to alleviate the nausea associated with chemotherapy when treating cancer.
Tip: It is important to find out the cause of the loss of appetite in your pet and treat the underlying condition and not just the symptoms.


Keep out of reach of children. Safety of Mirtazapine is unproven in pregnant and lactating pets.


Mirtazapine should be used with caution in pets with known cardiac disease or cerebrovascular disease that could be exacerbated by hypotension. Pets with renal impairment, renal failure, or hepatic disease may require lower doses of mirtazapine and should be monitored while on mirtazapine therapy.This drug is FDA-approved for human use. However, it is common practice for veterinarians to prescribe such drugs for use in dogs and cats.

Possible Side Effects

Mirtazapine may cause a drop in blood pressure or an elevation in heart rate. Drowsiness and serotonin syndrome are potential side effects. Occasionally, mirtazapine has been reported to cause abnormalities in blood cell lines developing in the bone marrow. If a pet is known to have leukemia, low platelets, or some other blood disease mirtazapine can still be used but extra monitoring tests are probably in order.



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