NexGard Spectra S (3.5-7.5kg) 3T 黃 (自用)


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NexGard SPECTRA®為全方位驅蟲口服藥,結合了兩種活性成的份以提供去除狗中最常見的外部和內部寄生蟲,包括殺死牛蜱,阻止蜱、跳蚤繁殖,有效驅除蛔蟲,鉤蟲和鞭蟲等及預防心絲蟲,能夠在一個最方便嘅方法做到每月預防及治療效果。讓防止寄生蟲,跳蚤、蜱蟲、蟎蟲、心絲蟲和腸道蠕蟲侵害變得容易-每月只需一粒美味的 NexGard SPECTRA® 咀嚼片!一次餵藥就能提供最完整的保護,最重要的是,100% 的主人都說 NexGard SPECTRA 很容易被狗狗接受。每月只需​​一次,即可預防跳蚤、蜱蟲、蟎蟲、心絲蟲和蠕蟲  – 快速殺死跳蚤– 治療和控制蜱– 治療和控制疥癬和蟎蟲– 預防心絲蟲病-治療和控制蛔蟲、鉤蟲和鞭蟲-保護可從8 週歲和2 公斤體重以上開始產品規格每盒3粒咀嚼片超小型犬 2-3.5Kg 小型犬 3.5-7.5Kg 中型犬 7.5-15Kg 大型犬15-30Kg 特大狗 30-60KgNexGard SPECTRA makes parasite protection easy, with flea, tick, mite, heartworm, and intestinal worm protection in one monthly treatment.Make parasite protection easy and protect against fleas, ticks, mites, heartworm and intestinal worms – with just one tasty, monthly NexGard SPECTRA chew!It’s the most complete protection available in just one chew, and best of all your dog will love it. 100% of owners said NexGard SPECTRA was easy to give to their dog.Just one monthly chew for protection against fleas, ticks, mites, heartworm & worms-Rapidly kills fleas -Treats and controls ticks -Treats and controls mange and mites -Prevents heartworm disease -Treats and controls roundworm, hookworm & whipworm -Protection from 8 weeks of age and 2 kg bodyweightProduct size3 chewables/boxX-Small Dog 2-3.5Kg Small Dog 3.5-7.5Kg Medium Dog 7.5-15Kg Large Dog 15-30Kg X-Large Dog 30-60Kg

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