Dermcare Otoflush Ear Cleaner 125ml


貨號: 9349474000415 分類:


Dermcare Otoflush 是一種中性緩沖洗耳液,具有特強清潔及殺菌防菌功效,並不含抗生素,性質溫和,可減少微生物數量對抗細菌、真菌生 長,並配合及增強其他藥物的敏感性。定期使用Dermcare Otoflush洗耳水清潔外耳道,能有效預防細菌、真菌感染,保護寵物耳部健康。若寵物不幸患上外耳炎,建議於每次施藥前先用此洗耳水清潔外耳道,沖走害菌及污垢,讓藥物能直達患處,增強治療效果。使用方法 : 只適用於狗狗 將洗耳水擠滿耳道內,輕輕按摩耳根約 1-2 分鐘後,然後讓寵物搖頭以清除碎屑和耳朵上多餘的液體,重複此過程,直到從耳朵流出的D液體乾淨為止,最後擦去多餘的洗耳水即可。 使對於正常耳朵清潔,每週僅重複一次此過程。如要與抗生素耳療配合使用,每天重複兩次該過程,最多一周,或者按照獸醫的指示進行。在使用抗生素之前,應先沖洗耳朵並去除過量的洗耳水。保質期: 存放於屋溫中,請於開蓋後的6個月內使用。


  • 取下沖洗噴嘴的蓋子。
  • 將噴嘴插入耳道開口並擠壓以填充耳道(小型犬種約 0.5mL,大型犬種約 1.5mL)。
  • 輕輕按摩耳朵,然後讓狗狗搖頭,以清除耳朵中的碎屑和多餘的 Otoflush® 液體。
  • 重複此過程,直到從耳朵流出的 Otoflush® 液體乾淨為止。
  • 擦掉耳朵和耳孔中的所有碎屑和多餘液體。
  • 更換蓋子之前,請清除沖洗噴嘴上所有黏附的耳朵分泌物。
  • 對於常規耳朵清潔,每週重複一次此程序。
  • 如需與抗生素耳部治療合併使用,請依照獸醫的指示使用
Otoflush 耳朵清潔劑是一種中性緩衝溶液,因此無刺痛感。當您的狗因慢性感染而導致耳膜破裂時,也可以安全使用。主要特徵
  • 中性 pH 值,「無刺痛」配方
  • 清潔
  • BAEP 測試耳膜是否破裂
  • 減少微生物數量
  • 提高抗生素滲透
  • 迅速行動
何時使用:Otoflush 是一款革命性產品,專為狗耳部感染情況下的耳部沖洗而設計,可在感染期間使用,也可作為維護劑活性物質: 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉(也稱為 Tris EDTA)和聚(六亞甲基)鹽酸雙胍(也稱為 PHMB)使用說明: 1. 將 Otoflush® 滴入耳朵中,按摩並讓狗狗抖出多餘的,擦拭乾淨。2. 重複步驟 1,直到排出的溶液恢復澄清。3. 使用所選的抗菌滴耳劑,確保足夠的量到達目標區域。 4. 在治療期間,每天重複兩次該程序。對於日常清潔,Otoflush® 應每週使用一次,作為維護制度的一部分
Dermcare Otoflush Gentle Ear Cleanser For Dogs CleansThe Inner Ear Of Your Pet And Prevents InfectionCleans the ear canal of wax and exudates in dogsA non-sting neutral buffered ear solutionSafe to use when your dog has a ruptured ear drum (can occur with chronic ear infections)Designed to help treat infections of the outer and middle ear – improves the penetration of prescribed ear medications.Helps to reduce microbial (bacterial and yeast) numbersIncreases the susceptibility of bacteria to commonly used antibiotics.Can be used for ear maintenance once per weekHelps to keep bacterial and yeast populations under control in the earFlushes out ear debris.NoteRegistered for use in dogs onlyDirections for useFor routine ear cleaningRemove the cap of the flush nozzleInsert the nozzle just into the ear canal opening and squeeze to fill the ear canal (approx 0.5mL for small breeds or 1.5mL for larger breeds)Gently massage the ear then allow the dog to shake its head to remove debris and excess liquid from the earRepeat this process until the liquid coming out of the ear is cleanWipe off any debris and excess liquid from the ear and ear openingRemove any adherent ear exudate from the flush nozzle before replacing the capRepeat this procedure once weekly onlyFor use in conjunction with an antibiotic ear treatmentRemove the cap of the flush nozzleInsert the nozzle just into the ear canal opening and squeeze to fill the ear canal (approx 0.5mL for small breeds or 1.5mL for larger breeds)Gently massage the ear then allow the dog to shake its head to remove debris and excess liquid from the earRepeat this process until the liquid coming out of the ear is cleanWipe off any debris and excess liquid from the ear and ear openingRemove any adherent ear exudate from the flush nozzle before replacing the capRepeat the procedure twice daily for a maximum of one week or as directed by a veterinary surgeonEars should be flushed and excess flush removed prior to antibiotic useExtended daily usage can result in tissue overhydration and may retard healing of the tympanic membraneProlonged treatment should be monitored by a veterinarianActive IngredientsDisodium edetate (also known as Tris EDTA)Poly(hexamethylene) biguanidine hydrochloride (also known as PHMB)

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