Yumove Urinary Care For Adult Cats 30Cap


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這種高品質的天然補充劑有助於人體自身的抗發炎過程,並為泌尿和膀胱健康提供有針對性的支持,讓貓和貓主人的生活更輕鬆。Yumove 成年貓泌尿科護理是一種四效貓科動物泌尿健康支援。這種高品質的天然補充劑有助於人體自身的抗發炎過程,並為泌尿和膀胱健康提供有針對性的支持,讓貓和貓主人的生活更輕鬆。幫助身體自身的抗發炎過程 提供膀胱內壁的組成部分 支持貓科動物的泌尿系統健康 幫助支持血清素的產生特徵:幫助人體自身的抗發炎過程:ActivEase® 綠唇貽貝 YuRELIEVE ADVANCE 貓專用含有 ActivEase® 綠唇貽貝,它提供 Omega 3 脂肪酸(EPA、DHA 和 ETA)的獨特組合,有助於貓新陳代謝的天然抗炎作用。供應膀胱內膜的組成部分: 只有 Yumove 貓泌尿護理品可供應整個尿道上皮中存在的 4 種糖胺聚醣 (GAG)(硫酸軟骨素、硫酸皮膚素、硫酸肝素和透明質酸)。醣胺聚醣 (GAG) GAG 是基底膜的關鍵成分,移行上皮細胞位於基底膜上,並形成膀胱深層結締組織層中蛋白聚醣的重要組成部分。N-乙醯 D-葡萄糖胺 (NAG) 已知 NAG 與尿路上皮細胞上的凝集素結合,並存在於尿路上皮的保護性黏蛋白層中。 NAG 也是醣胺聚醣的前身分子,存在於膀胱表面。支持貓科動物泌尿系統健康: 色氨酸 色氨酸是一種必需氨基酸,可在大腦中代謝為血清素,並被證明可以減少貓的壓力相關行為。使用說明: 小型貓(3公斤以下) – 每隔一天 1 粒 大型貓(3 公斤以上) – 每天 1 粒 首次使用 Yumove 泌尿護理時,我們建議您在前 2 週內將每日用量加倍:小型貓(3 公斤以下) – 每日 1 粒膠囊 大型貓(3 公斤以上) – 每日 2 粒膠囊 只需將膠囊分開,然後將美味的補充劑撒在貓的食物上即可。包裝規格 30 粒膠囊This high-quality natural supplement aids the body’s own anti-inflammatory process, and provides targeted support for urinary and bladder health, making life easier for cats and cat owners.Yumove Urinary Care for Adult Cats is a quad-action feline urinary health support.This high-quality natural supplement aids the body’s own anti-inflammatory process, and provides targeted support for urinary and bladder health, making life easier for cats and cat owners.Aids the body’s own anti-inflammatory process Supplies the building blocks of the bladder lining Supports feline urinary health Helps support serotonin productionFeatures:AIDS THE BODY’S OWN ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PROCESS:ActivEase® Green Lipped Mussel Only YuRELIEVE ADVANCE for Cats contains ActivEase® Green Lipped Mussel which provides a unique combination of Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA, and ETA) to aid the natural anti-inflammatory action of the cat’s metabolism.SUPPLIES THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF THE BLADDER LINING: Only Yumove Urinary Care for Cats supplies the 4 Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) (Chondroitin Sulphate, Dermatan Sulphate, Heparin Sulphate and Hyaluronic Acid) present throughout the urothelium.Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) GAGs are key components of the basement membrane on which the transitional epithelial cells sit and form an essential part of proteoglycans in the deeper connective tissue layers of the bladder.N-Acetyl D-glucosamine (NAG) NAG is known to bind to lectins on urothelial cells and is found in the urothelium’s protective mucin layer. NAG is also a precursor molecule for Glycosaminoglycans, which are found in the bladder surface.SUPPORTS FELINE URINARY HEALTH: Tryptophan Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is metabolised into serotonin in the brain and proven to decrease stress related behaviours in cats.Instructions for use: Small cats (under 3kg) – 1 capsule every other day Large cats (over 3kg or over) – 1 capsule daily When using Yumove Urinary Care for the first time we suggest you recommend double the daily amount for the first 2 weeks:Small cats (under 3kg) – 1 capsule daily Large cats (over 3kg or over) – 2 capsules daily Simply split the capsule and sprinkle the tasty supplement over the cat’s food.Package Size 30 capsules

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