Flagyls Metronidazole 200mg 100粒


貨號: 9312319036115 分類:






  • 肝損害
  • 食慾不振
  • 神經系統疾病
  • 呆滯
  • 弱點
  • 共濟失調
  • 迷失方向
  • 歪頭
  • 眼球震顫
  • 剛性
  • 癲癇發作
  • 震顫


甲硝唑的典型劑量為每磅 5 至 30 毫克(每公斤 10 至 60 毫克),每天給狗和貓服用一到四次。以及任何不利影響的發展。除非您的獸醫特別指示,否則請務必完成處方。即使您的寵物感覺好多了,完成整個治療計劃也可以防止寵物的症狀復發。Metronidazole is a synthetic antibiotic and antiprotozoal used to treat and prevent bacterial infections and treat certain parasitic infections in dogs and cats. This drug is not approved for use in animals by the Food and Drug Administration, but it is prescribed legally by veterinarians as an extra-label drug.

Uses of Metronidazole for Dogs and Cats

Metronidazole is prescribed to treat or control infections caused by susceptible bacteria and parasites it is effective against infections caused by Giardia, Trichomonas and Balantidium coli. The drug is not effective against viruses.

Precautions and Side Effects

While generally safe and effective when prescribed by a veterinarian, metronidazole can cause side effects in some animals. Negative reactions to the drug may include:
  • Liver damage
  • Loss of appetite
  • Neurological disorders
  • Sluggishness
  • Weakness
Prolonged use or overdoses can cause severe neurological reactions. These may exhibit themselves in symptoms including:
  • Ataxia
  • Disorientation
  • Head tilting
  • Nystagmus
  • Rigidity
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
Metronidazole should only be cautiously administered to pregnant pets and never administered to pets with liver disease. Additionally, the drug may react to other medications that your dog or cat is already taking. These include phenobarbital and cimetidine.

Dosing Information of Metronidazole for Dogs and Cats

The typical dose of metronidazole ranges from 5 to 30 milligram per pound (10 to 60 mg per kilogram) one to four times a day in both dogs and cats.The duration of administration depends on the condition being treated, the pet’s response to the medication, and the development of any adverse effects. Be certain to complete the prescription unless specifically directed by your veterinarian. Even if your pet feels better, completing the entire treatment plan could prevent your pet’s symptoms from returning.

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