Hill’s Prescription Feline ONC Cancer Care 貓用腫瘤照護配方 7Lbs



當貓貓罹患癌症時,確保滿足其營養需求至關重要。針對癌症患貓設計的處方食品,旨在幫助維持力量和活力,同時從第一碗食物開始激發進食慾望。希爾思處方食品 腫瘤營養照護是由希爾思的營養學家與獸醫師團隊所研發的臨床營養,特別為癌症患貓提供滋養和支持。這款乾糧以雞肉製成,被設計成我們迄今最美味的營養,富含美味的脂肪和高消化性的蛋白質。希爾思處方食品 腫瘤營養照護中高消化吸收率的營養成分容易被寵物吸收,並且配方中還含有 ActivBiome+益菌纖活+成分科技,這是獨家的益菌生纖維複合配方,能促進健康的胃腸道微生物菌叢,並證實有助維持穩定的糞便品質。產品特點
  • 每碗都充滿誘人的美味,激發寵物的食慾
  • 高消化性的蛋白質,有助保持強健和活力
  • 採用 ActivBiome+益菌纖活+科技,滋養寵物的腸道微生物菌叢
  • 精心設計,促進寵物食慾
  • 富含熱量的最佳營養配方,幫助支持日常活動
  • 獨特的益菌生纖維複合配方,經證實有助穩定糞便品質
體重 – 磅 (公斤)每日餵食量 – 杯 (克)
6磅 (2.7公斤)1/3 (45)
8磅 (3.6公斤)3/8 (50)
10磅 (4.5公斤)1/2 (70)
12磅 (5.4公斤)1/2 (70)
14磅 (6.4公斤)5/8 (85)
16磅 (7.3公斤)5/8 (85)
18磅 (8.2公斤)2/3 (95)
  • 請以7天或以上的時間逐步為你的毛孩轉換新食物。有的毛孩需要多於7天的時間來轉換,你的耐心與持之以恆很重要
  • 只餵食建議的專用處方食品乾糧及濕糧
  • 請隨時提供毛孩乾淨飲用水
  • 請你的獸醫師持續監控毛孩的身體狀況
  • 為避免發生窒息情形,請將產品包裝袋置於毛孩及孩童無法觸及之處
附加資訊採用美國飼料管理協會AAFCO的餵食試驗程序,證實能提供成貓所需的完整均衡營養。處方食品需經獸醫師推薦、指示及持續追蹤使用。建議您應定期持續徵詢獸醫師之意見。 為了獲得最佳效果,此食品需進行長期且一致的餵食,以確保產品效益的好處。 乾糧和罐頭可混合或同時餵食。產品規格7磅When cats have cancer, ensuring their nutritional needs are met is critical. Therapeutic foods for cats with cancer are designed to help maintain strength and energy as well as encourage eating from the very first bowl.Hill’s nutritionists and veterinarians developed the clinical nutrition of Hill’s Prescription Diet ONC Care to specifically help nourish and support cats fighting cancer. This dry food is made with chicken and is designed to be our best tasting nutrition yet, with flavorful fats and highly digestible protein.The highly digestible nutrients in Prescription Diet ONC Care are easy for pets to absorb and the formula also contains ActivBiome+, a proprietary blend of prebiotic fibers to support a healthy GI microbiome and shown to provide consistent stool quality.How it helps
  • Designed to encourage eating, starting with the first bowl
  • Optimal nutrition rich in calories to help support their daily activity
  • Unique blend of prebiotics shown to provide consistent stool quality
How it works
  • Irresistible taste in each bowl encourages an enthusiastic appetite
  • Highly digestible protein to help maintain strength & energy
  • Made with ActivBiome+ technology to nourish your cat’s gut microbiome
Feeding GuideAsk your veterinarian for specific feeding instructions for your pet.Daily Feeding Recommendations are only a guide and a place to start.Grams are the most accurate form of measurement; cups are estimated from grams.
Weight of Cat — lbs (kgs)Amount per Day – cups (grams)
6lbs (2.7kg)1/3 (45)
8lbs (3.6kg)3/8 (50)
10lbs (4.5kg)1/2 (70)
12lbs (5.4kg)1/2 (70)
14lbs (6.4kg)5/8 (85)
16lbs (7.3kg)5/8 (85)
18lbs (8.2kg)2/3 (95)
For best results:
  • Gradually transition to this new food for 7 days or more
  • Exclusively feed the recommended Prescription Diet dry and wet foods
  • Keep fresh water available at all times
  • Have your veterinarian monitor your pet’s condition
  • To prevent suffocation, keep the packaging out of the reach of pets & children
Additional infoHill’s Prescription Diet ONC Care with Chicken Dry Cat Food is a complete and balanced food that provides all the nutrition your cat needs. Please consult your veterinarian for further information on how our Prescription Diet foods can help your cat to continue to enjoy a happy and active life.For best results, consistent long term feeding of this product is critical for efficacy of the product benefits.Dry and canned formulas can be mixed or fed concurrently.Package Size7lb

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