Dechra Benakor 5mg 28Tab




Benakor 可口錠劑用於貓咪治療尿液中含有蛋白質的腎臟疾病(蛋白尿)。並用於治療狗狗的充血性心臟衰竭。貝那普利錠含有活性成分鹽酸貝那普利。行政:Benakor 片劑口服給藥,每天一次,可與食物同服或單獨服用。治療持續時間不受限制。貓用量:本產品應依下表口服,最小劑量為0.5 mg(範圍0.5-1.0)鹽酸貝那普利/kg體重,每日一次:


 貓體重(公斤) 貝納克 2.5 毫克 貝納克 5 毫克
 2,5 – 5 公斤 1 片 0.5 片
 >5 – 10 公斤 2 粒 1 片
狗的劑量:Benakor 口服 toedienen 滿足最低劑量範 0,25 mg(範圍 0,25-0,5)鹽酸貝那普利/kg lichaamsgewicht,eenmaal daags,volgens de onderstaan​​de tabellen:


 狗狗體重 (公斤)  貝納克 5 毫克 標準劑量  貝納克 5 毫克 雙重劑量 
 >5 – 10 公斤 0.5 片 1 片
 >10 – 20 公斤 1 片 2 粒
對於患有充血性心臟衰竭的狗,如果認為臨床必要並經獸醫建議,劑量可以加倍,但仍每天一次,最小劑量為 0.5 毫克/公斤體重(範圍 0.5-1.0)。始終遵循獸醫的指示。Benakor 片劑對於體重低於 2.5 公斤的貓和狗的有效性和安全性尚未確定。包裝:包裝內含 2 x 14 片。懷孕、哺乳或產後使用:請勿在懷孕或哺乳期間使用。本產品在繁殖犬、懷孕犬或哺乳犬的安全性尚未確定。特別警告:Benakor 片劑在體重低於 2.5 公斤的犬隻中的有效性和安全性尚未確定。禁忌症:
  • 若對活性物質或任何賦形劑過敏,請勿使用。
  • 低血壓、低血容、低血鈉或急性腎衰竭的情況下請勿使用。
  • 因主動脈或肺動脈狹窄導致心臟輸出衰竭的情況下請勿使用。
Benakor tasty tablets are used in cats for the treatment of kidney disorders with protein in the urine (proteinuria).  And in dogs for the treatment of congestive heart failure. Benakor tasty tablets contain the active ingredient benazepril hydrochloride.Administration:Benakor tablets are administered orally, once a day with or without food.The duration of treatment is unlimited.Dosage cat:The product should be administered orally at a minimum dose of 0.5 mg (range 0.5-1.0) benazepril hydrochloride/kg body weight once daily according to the following table:


 Weight cat (kg) Benakor 2,5 mg Benakor 5 mg
 2,5 – 5 kg 1 tablet 0,5 tablet
 >5 – 10 kg 2 tablets 1 tablet
Dosage dog:Benakor oraal toedienen met een minimum dosering van 0,25 mg (range 0,25-0,5) benazepril hydrochloride/kg lichaamsgewicht, eenmaal daags, volgens de onderstaande tabellen:


 Weight dog (kg)  Benakor 5 mg Standard dosage  Benakor 5 mg Double dosage 
 >5 – 10 kg 0,5 tablet 1 tablet
 >10 – 20 kg 1 tablet 2 tablets
In dogs with congestive heart failure, the dose may be doubled, still administered once daily, with a minimum dose of 0.5 mg/ kg body weight (range 0.5-1.0) if considered clinically necessary and advised by the veterinarian. Always follow the instructions of the veterinarian.The efficacy and safety of Benakor tablets has not been established in cats and dogs with less than 2.5 kg body weight.Packaging:The package contains 2 x 14 tablets.Use during pregnancy, lactation or lay:Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. The safety of the product has not been established in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs.Special warnings:The efficacy and safety of Benakor tablets has not been established in dogs with less than 2.5 kg body weight.Contraindications:
  • Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.
  • Do not use in cases of hypotension, hypovolaemia, hyponatraemia or acute renal failure.
  • Do not use in cases of cardiac output failure due to aortic or pulmonary stenosis.

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