Zoetis Palladia (Toceranib Phosphate) Tablets 30s 10mg 藍


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PALLADIA 是 FDA 核准的狗用抗腫瘤藥物

PALLADIA 片劑適用於治療患有或不患有局部淋巴結受累的犬 Patnaik II 級或 III 級復發性皮膚肥大細胞瘤。
  • PALLADIA (toceranib 磷酸鹽) 屬於受體酪胺酸激酶 (RTK) 抑制劑類抗腫瘤藥
  • PALLADIA 是一種抗血管生成和抗增殖療法,專門用於治療犬癌症
  • PALLADIA 是一種犬類癌症療法,具有抗血管生成和抗增殖作用。
  • PALLADIA 適用於治療狗的 Patnaik 2 級或 3 級復發性皮膚肥大細胞瘤(伴或不伴局部淋巴結受累)
  • PALLADIA 抑制內皮細胞上的 VEGFR-2 和周細胞上的 PDGFR-ß,進而產生抗血管新生作用1,2
    • PALLADIA 抑制腫瘤細胞上的 KIT 以獲得抗增殖作用
    • 同時抑制這些 RTK 會阻斷腫瘤生長所需的多個過程2,3,
始終向客戶資訊表提供處方。初始劑量為 3.25 mg/kg (1.48 mg/lb) 體重,每隔一天口服一次(見表1)。如果需要,可以採用 0.5 mg/kg 劑量減少(至每隔一天 2.2 mg/kg (1.0 mg/lb) 的最低劑量)和劑量中斷(停用 PALLADIA 長達兩週)來管理不良反應。反應(參見表2以及警告注意事項)。前 6 週大約每週根據獸醫評估調整劑量,之後大約每 6 週調整一次劑量。PALLADIA 可以與食物一起服用或單獨服用。不要分開藥片。

PALLADIA is an FDA approved antineoplastic drug for dogs

PALLADIA tablets are indicated for the treatment of Patnaik grade II or III, recurrent, cutaneous mast cell tumors with or without regional lymph node involvement in dogs.
  • PALLADIA (toceranib phosphate) belongs to the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitor class of antineoplastic agents
  • PALLADIA is an antiangiogenic and antiproliferative therapy specifically developed for the treatment of canine cancer
    • PALLADIA is a canine cancer therapy with antiangiogenic and antiproliferative effects.
    • PALLADIA is indicated for the treatment of Patnaik grade 2 or 3, recurrent, cutaneous mast cell tumors with or without regional lymph node involvement in dogs
    • PALLADIA inhibits VEGFR-2 on endothelial cells and PDGFR-ß on pericytes for an antiangiogenic effect1,2
      • PALLADIA inhibits KIT on tumor cells for an antiproliferative effect
      • The simultaneous inhibition of these RTKs blocks multiple processes necessary for tumor growth2,3,4
    Always provide Client Information Sheet with prescription. Administer an initial dosage of 3.25 mg/kg (1.48 mg/lb) body weight, orally every other day (see Table 1). Dose reductions of 0.5 mg/kg (to a minimum dose of 2.2 mg/kg (1.0 mg/lb) every other day) and dose interruptions (cessation of PALLADIA for up to two weeks) may be utilized, if needed, to manage adverse reactions (see Table 2 as well as Warnings and Precautions). Adjust dose based on approximately weekly veterinary assessments for the first 6 weeks and approximately every 6 weeks, thereafter. PALLADIA may be administered with or without food. Do not split tablets.

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