Apo Amlodipine Besylate Tablets 5mg


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始終遵循獸醫提供的劑量說明。如果您在服藥時遇到困難,請聯絡您的獸醫。可與食物一起服用。不要錯過一劑。錯過劑量可能會導致血壓突然升高,進而導致失明、腎臟損傷、癲癇發作或虛脫。如果您漏服一劑,請在想起來後立即補服。如果快到下一劑的時間了,請跳過您錯過的那一劑,回到正常的時間表。不要一次給予 2 劑。這種藥物只能給予指定的寵物。
所有重量0.625 毫克(2.5 毫克片劑的 1/4),每天一次。
在將氨氯地平與維生素、補充劑、阿斯匹靈、華法林、利尿劑(例如速尿、柳)、某些稱為β 受體阻斷劑的心臟藥物(例如普萘洛爾、阿替洛爾)以及其他也能降低血壓的藥物一起使用之前,請諮詢您的獸醫,因為可能會發生交互作用。
Amlodipine is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Amlodipine belongs to a class of drugs known as calcium channel blockers. It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily.Amlodipine besylate tablets are a type of medicine known as a calcium channel blocker (CCB). It is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and a type of chest pain called angina.
Amlodipine Besylate TabletsAmlodipine besylate is in a class of drugs called calcium channel blockers. It affects the heart and blood vessels and is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure), especially in cats with kidney disease.
Dose and Administration:
Always follow the dosage instructions provided by your veterinarian. If you have difficulty giving the medication, contact your veterinarian. May be given with food. Do not miss a dose. A missed dose can result in a sudden rise in blood pressure, which could lead to blindness, kidney damage, seizures, or collapse. If you miss a dose, give it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the one you missed and go back to the regular schedule. Do not give 2 doses at once. This medication should only be given to the pet for whom it was prescribed.
If you miss giving your cat a dose of Amlodipine, give the next dose as soon as you remember or, if it is close to the next scheduled dose, return to the regular schedule. Do not double the dose to catch up.
Weight range (lbs)Dosage
All weights0.625mg (1/4 of a 2.5 mg tablet) once a day.
Possible Side Effects:
Cats: Side effects are rare. May see lethargy (drowsiness), loss of appetite, weight loss, swelling of the gums (gingival hyperplasia), or rapid heart rate.
Dogs: May see effects listed above. May also cause the blood to take longer to clot. Consult your veterinarian if you notice any of the above side effects. If your pet experiences an allergic reaction to the medication, signs may include facial swelling, hives, scratching, sudden onset of diarrhea, vomiting, shock, seizures, pale gums, cold limbs, or coma. If you observe any of these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Not for use in animals hypersensitive (allergic) to it. Use with caution in animals with heart failure or liver disease. Do not use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating females. Do not use in breeding males. A missed dose can result in a sudden rise in blood pressure, which could lead to blindness, kidney damage, seizures, or collapse. Consult with your veterinarian regarding the physical examinations and blood pressure measurements that are necessary during treatment with amlodipine.
Drug, Food, and Test Interactions:
Consult your veterinarian before using amlodipine with vitamins, supplements, aspirin, warfarin, with diuretics (e.g., furosemide, salix), certain heart medications called beta-blockers (e.g., propanolol, atenolol), and other medications that also lower blood pressure, since interactions may occur.
Signs of Toxicity/Overdose:
May see staggering (dizziness), collapse, or slow heart rate. If you know or suspect your pet has had an overdose, or if you observe any of these signs in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately.



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