Latanoprost Toa Ophthalmic Solution 2.5ml ** 需冷藏 **





拉坦前列素眼藥水可降低原發性青光眼引起的狗眼內壓力。拉坦前列素眼用溶液 0.005% 2.5 ml 通用品牌 (Xalatan) 透過增加從眼睛排出的液體量來降低眼內壓力。適利達用於治療青光眼和眼壓過高。
    • 用於治療犬的原發性青光眼
    • 適利達的通用形式
    • 降低眼壓
    • 滴管頂部瓶,方便使用
    • 產品圖片僅供參考。製造商取決於發貨時的可用性。
    • 2.5 毫升規格
許多患有青光眼的狗因這種疾病而面臨部分或完全喪失視力。青光眼會導致房水(眼睛的正常液體)停止從眼睛正常排出。額外的液體會對眼睛施加壓力(稱為眼內壓 (IOP)),從而損害視神經並導致視力喪失。拉坦前列素眼科藥物是一種可以逆轉這個過程的處方藥。這些眼藥水屬於一類稱為前列腺素 F2-α 激動劑的藥物,可增加流出眼睛的液體量,從而降低眼壓。當其他青光眼眼科治療失敗時,通常會開立拉坦前列素。拉坦前列素是適利達的通用形式。我們提供各種品牌的拉坦前列素,其作用方式均相同,並採用方便的滴管瓶裝。

為什麼要使用拉坦前列素眼藥水 0.005% 2.5 ml?

    • 用於治療某些類型的青光眼。
    • 它也用於治療稱為眼高血壓的疾病。

拉坦前列素眼藥水 0.005% 2.5 毫升如何發揮作用?

拉坦前列素眼用溶液 0.005% 2.5 ml 通用品牌 (Xalatan) 透過增加從眼睛排出的液體量來降低眼內壓力。


曲伏前列素 0.04 毫克/毫升


Polyoxyl 40 氫化蓖麻油、氨丁三醇、硼酸、甘露醇、乙二胺四乙酸二鈉、氫氧化鈉和/或鹽酸(調節 pH 值)和純水。


Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution to reduce the pressure in your dog’s eye caused by primary glaucoma.Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution 0.005% 2.5 ml GENERIC for brand (Xalatan) reduces pressure in the eye by increasing the amount of fluid that drains from the eye. Xalatan is used to treat glaucoma and high pressure in the eye(s).
    • For treating primary glaucoma in dogs
    • Generic form of Xalatan
    • Reduces pressure in the eye
    • Dropper top bottle for easy application
    • Product image is for representation only. Manufacturer depends on availability at time of shipment.
    • Available in 2.5 ml
Many dogs with glaucoma face partial or complete loss of vision due to the disease. Glaucoma causes the aqueous humor, the eye’s normal fluid, to stop draining properly from the eye. The additional fluid puts pressure – called Intraocular Pressure (IOP) — on the eye that can damage the optic nerve and cause loss of vision. Latanoprost Ophthalmic is a prescription medication that can reverse that process. These eye drops, which are in a class of drugs called prostaglandin F2-alpha agonists, increase the amount of fluid flowing out of the eye, therefore reducing pressure in the eye. Often Latanoprost is prescribed when other ophthalmic treatments for glaucoma have failed. Latanoprost is the generic form of Xalatan. We carry various brands of Latanoprost that all work the same way and come in a convenient dropper top bottle.

Why use Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution 0.005% 2.5 ml?

    • Used to treat certain kind of glaucoma.
    • It is also used to treat a condition called hypertension of the eye.

How does Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution 0.005% 2.5 ml work?

Latanoprost Ophthalmic Solution 0.005% 2.5 ml GENERIC for brand (Xalatan) reduces pressure in the eye by increasing the amount of fluid that drains from the eye.

Active Ingredient(s)

Travoprost 0.04 mg/mL

Inactive Ingredients

Polyoxyl 40 hydrogenated castor oil, tromethamine, boric acid, mannitol, edetate disodium, sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid (to adjust pH) and purified water.

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