Milbemax Allwormer Tablets For Cats S 0.5-2kg


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Milbemax® 貓驅蟲片 **此配方不適合狗使用**當我們不時與不同的救援組織合作時,我們經常被要求為小型、中型和大型貓提供經濟的驅蟲/心絲蟲產品。 Milbemax 是一個很好的解決方案,當我們為救援小組批量購買時,我們有能力提供單一和多種組合的 Milbemax 片劑,因此您現在也可以節省寵物藥品的費用! 我們邀請您享受優惠! 每月服用 Milbemax 可預防心絲蟲以及下列腸道蠕蟲。成年貓在接受 Milbemax 治療之前應進行心絲蟲測試。 產品類別用於治療貓體內寄生蟲,包括蛔蟲、鉤蟲和絛蟲。 體積細細,但功效強大嘅 Milbemax 杜蟲藥!可一次性驅除貓咪體內常見寄生蟲,包括 : 迴蟲,鉤蟲,鞭蟲,絛蟲等多種寄生蟲,更可預防心絲蟲!牛肉口味,容易餵食,主子會非常之受落!0 成份 : Milbemycin oxime 16mg Praziquantel 40mg 幼貓食用份量 : 0.5~1kg, 每次半粒 1~2kg, 每次1粒 建議每隔3個月杜蟲一次。 特性米爾貝黴素肟和吡喹酮是 Milbemax 的活性成分。米爾倍黴素肟幹擾無脊椎動物的神經傳導,有助於預防心絲蟲、蛔蟲和鉤蟲。吡喹酮會引起絛蟲的肌肉痙攣,然後絛蟲會受到酵素的攻擊並分解。 它可以殺死所有腸道形式的絛蟲。 適應症Milbemax 是一種廣譜腸道驅蟲劑,用於貓治療蛔蟲、鉤蟲和絛蟲。 如果每月服用一次,也可以預防心絲蟲。 貓咪用 Milbemax 是一種小巧可口的牛肉口味藥片,許多動物會直接用手服用。Milbemax 可預防未成熟和成蟲蛔蟲(Toxocara cati、Toxascaris leonina)、未成熟和成蟲鉤蟲(Ancylostoma tubeaeforme)和絛蟲(Dipylidium caninum、Taenia spp)。如果每月服用一次,Milbemax 可以保護貓免受上述所有疾病以及心絲蟲(惡絲蟲)的侵害。 劑量和給藥貓用 Milbemax 有兩種片劑配方:Milbemax 小型貓用片劑(0.5-2kg) 4mg米爾倍黴素肟(劑量範圍2-4mg/kg) 10mg吡喹酮(劑量範圍5-10mg/kg) 可以給體重超過 0.5 公斤且 6 週齡的貓服用。Milbemax 貓用片劑(2-8公斤) 16mg米爾倍黴素肟(劑量範圍2-4mg/kg) 40毫克吡喹酮(劑量範圍5-10毫克/公斤) 可以給體重超過 2 公斤且 6 週齡的貓服用。 治療為口服,建議使用標籤劑量。 最小劑量為每公斤體重2mg米爾倍黴素肟和5mg吡喹酮。 控制腸道蠕蟲的治療:小型貓以 Milbemax(請參閱我們的單獨清單)應在 6、8 和 12 週齡的小貓身上註射,然後每 3 個月注射一次。體重超過 2 公斤的貓應每 3 個月注射一次貓用 Milbemax。 哺乳女王應與其小貓同時接受治療。預防心絲蟲的治療:每月一次,最好在同一天。成年貓在接受 Milbemax 治療之前應進行心絲蟲測試。若漏服一劑,請立即治療並恢復每月服藥。安全按照標籤說明使用時,Milbemax Cat 具有令人滿意的安全性。 經測試,服藥間隔至少一週。Milbemax Cat 尚未針對體重 <0.5 公斤的小貓進行安全測試。Milbemax Cat 可用於繁殖動物,包括公貓和懷孕或哺乳期的貓王。 吡喹酮在所有生殖階段均表現出令人滿意的安全裕度。Milbemax® Cat Worming Tablets For Small / Medium / Large Cats 2 – 8kg **This formulation is not suitable for use in dogs**As we work with different rescue groups from time to time we are often asked to come up with an economical worming/Heartworm product for both small, medium and large cats. Milbemax is a great solution, and as we buy in bulk for our rescue groups we have the ability to offer the Milbemax tablets in single and multiple combinations, so you too can now save on your pet meds! We invite you to enjoy the savings! Milbemax given monthly  protects against Heartworm as well as intestinal worms listed below.Mature cats should be tested for heartworm before receiving Milbemax. 
WeightDose: Milbemax for cats
>2-4kg½ tablet
>4-8kg1 tablet
>8 kgA combination of tablets should be given, consistent with the recommended minimum dose
 Product TypeFor the treatment of internal parasites including roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm, in cats. PropertiesMilbemycin oxime and praziquantel are the active ingredients in Milbemax.Milbemycin oxime interferes with nerve transmission in invertebrates, which helps protect against heartworm, roundworm and hookworm.Praziquantel causes muscle spasm in tapeworm, which are then attacked by enzymes and disintegrate. It kills all intestinal forms of tapeworm. IndicationsMilbemax is a broad spectrum intestinal wormer used in cats to treat roundworm, hookworm and tapeworms. If given monthly, it also offers prevention against heartworm. Milbemax for cats is a tiny, palatable beef-flavoured tablet that many animals will take straight from the hand.Milbemax protects against immature and adult roundworm (Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina),immature and adult hookworm(Ancylostoma tubaeforme) and tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp).If given monthly, Milbemax protects cats against all of the above, as well as heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis). Dosage and AdministrationMilbemax for cats comes in two tablet formulations:Milbemax tablets for small cats (0.5-2kg) 4mg milbemycin oxime (dose range 2-4mg/kg) 10mg praziquantel (dose range 5-10mg/kg) Can be given to cats over 0.5kg and 6 weeks of age.Milbemax tablets for cats (2-8kg) 16mg milbemycin oxime (dose range 2-4mg/kg) 40mg praziquantel (dose range 5-10mg/kg) Can be given to cats over 2kg and 6 weeks of age. Treatment is orally, and the labelled dose rate is recommended. The minimum dose is 2mg milbemycin oxime and 5mg praziquantel per kilogram of bodyweight. Treatment for control of intestinal worms:Milbemax for small cats (see our separate listing) should be given to kittens at 6, 8 and 12 weeks of age, then every 3 months.Milbemax for cats should be given to cats weighing over 2 kg every 3 months. Nursing queens should be treated at the same time as their kittens.Treatment for heartworm prevention:Once a month, preferably on the same date.Mature cats should be tested for heartworm before receiving Milbemax.If a dose is missed, treat immediately and resume monthly dosing.SafetyMilbemax Cat has a satisfactory safety profile when used as per label directions. It has been tested to a minimum interval of one week between doses.Milbemax Cat has not been safety tested in kittens weighing <0.5kg.Milbemax Cat can be used in breeding animals, including toms and pregnant or lactating queens. Praziquantel has demonstrated satisfactory safety margins during all reproductive phases.



20粒, 2粒

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