原箱 Dermcare Aloveen Conditioner 500ml 6支箱


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Aloveen護髮素可當免沖洗護髮滋潤肌膚,順理毛髮不再打結舒緩和清潔皮膚乾燥發癢的狗和貓動物敏感皮膚Dermcare Aloveen特性:
  • 燕麥蘆薈護膚素性質溫和,低過敏性潤膚劑
  • 含超細緻燕麥脆取物於蘆薈基底凝膠舒緩特性來自燕麥抗炎,抗刺激,及抗癢效果
  • Aloveen護髮素可當免沖洗護髮滋潤肌膚,順理毛髮不再打結
  • 舒緩和清潔皮膚乾燥發癢的狗和貓動物敏感皮膚
成份: 燕麥粹取物 20公克 / 公升 蘆薈 包裝 200 毫升 / 罐使用方式:沖洗完毛髮後,將Dermcare Aloveen護髮素輕輕按摩入毛髮皮膚中後再用清水沖洗 (若少量使用可留置毛髮皮膚如免沖洗毛髮素)。Aloveen Shampoo and Aloveen Intensive Conditioner can be used on any dog or cat that enjoys a moisturising, lightly fragranced shampoo, and helps those who suffer from dry and itchy skin.Aloveen Shampoo and Aloveen Intensive Conditioner can be used on any dog or cat that enjoys a moisturising, lightly fragranced shampoo, and helps those who suffer from dry and itchy skin.The Aloveen range can be used at any age on dogs, puppies, cats and kittens.Dogs and cats with normal skin will benefit from:
  • Clean skin and fur thanks to the gently foaming shampoo base
  • The soap-free pH balanced formula that allows them to retain their natural coat oils
  • A glossy coat thanks to the inclusion of emollients and moisturisers
Two important aspects of treating allergies can be done with Aloveen shampoo and conditioner:
  • Soothing the skin with both the superfine colloidal oatmeal particles and aloe vera
  • Removing the allergens (e.g. pollens) from their skin with the gently foaming shampoo base
Aloveen Intensive Conditioner: Aloveen Intesive Conditioner is the perfect complement to Aloveen Shampoo. It is designed to be left on the coat, however some pet owners may prefer to rinse the conditioner off, which is also fine. It is excellent when used between baths as a grooming aid. Aloveen Intensive Conditioner is:
  • Moisturising
  • Soothing
Tips for using Aloveen Shampoo and Aloveen Intensive Conditioner:
  • Wet the coat thoroughly.
  • Apply Aloveen Shampoo to several points and massge in gently. Using a sponge can help with the lathering action.
  • Leave on for 5 minutes to allow the soothing properties of oatmeal to take effect.
  • Rinse thoroughly.
  • Apply Aloveen Intensive Conditioner lightly to the coat at several points to facilitate coverage.
  • Massage in thoroughly.
  • Can be rinsed lightly or left on the coat.
  • Gently dry and brush the coat as normal.

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