Dermoscent PYO spot pour for Dogs L 20-40kg 4p


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– 打開滴劑的頂部,將寵物頸背部的毛撥開,然後在肩膀之間以1或2個點直接塗在皮膚上,每週一次,可連續使用至皮膚狀況穩定。 – 無需按摩;生物擴散劑可將使滴劑在動物體內均勻分佈。 – 建議在使用前後2天不要給動物洗澡。 – 可與其他任何“即點即用”產品組合使用。


PYOspot®的功效基於: – 幾種植物提取物:印度藏茴香萃取物和印度苦楝樹葉萃取物 – 與海棠果籽和大麻籽的植物油混合,富含必需脂肪酸(Ω3和6) – 再加上精油的協同混合物:薰衣草,檸檬桉樹,玫瑰草和香草。


– 與抗菌治療相輔相成的創新方法,可增強對皮膚感染的控制。 – 對於難以觸及的區域,例如褶皺和指間空間,建議使用PYOclean®濕巾作為清潔劑和局部護膚產品。


PYOspot®的功效已在獸醫監督下進行的一項臨床研究中得到證明: 在88%的病例中,降低了復發的頻率 在88%的病例中,使用的藥物數量減少了

Product Description

Purifying spot-on for improved control of skin infections

PYOspot® is the 1st spot-on product with a formulation specially intended to purify dogs’ skin that experience recurrent infections. Thanks to its 100% natural active ingredients and, in particular, the innovative antimicrobial complex PhytoC-2®, PYOspot® restores the balance of the cutaneous flora and soothes the skin while reinforcing the skin barrier, hence maintaining a good level of hydration.

Directions for use

– Break the top of the pipette, part the animal’s coat, and apply between the shoulders in 1 or 2 spots directly onto the skin, one pipette per week, as long as necessary, for several consecutive months. – No massage is required; a bio-diffusing agent will allow a homogeneous distribution of the product all over the animal’s body. – It is recommended not to bathe the animal during the 2 days before and the 2 days following the application. – No incompatibility in combined use with any of the other «spot-on» products.


The efficacy of PYOspot® is based on: – Several plant extracts: ajowan and neem – Combined with vegetable oils of tamanu and hemp, rich in essential fatty acids (Ω 3 and 6) – Plus a synergistic blend of essential oils: lavender, lemon eucalyptus, palmarosa, and savory.


– An innovative approach to enhance the control of skin infections, complementary to antimicrobial treatments. – For areas that are more difficult to reach, such as folds and interdigital spaces, it is recommended to use PYOclean® Wipes as a cleaner and a product for localized skincare.


The efficacy of PYOspot® has been proven in a clinical study was carried out under veterinary supervision: In 88% of the cases, the frequency of relapse has decreased In 88% of the cases, the quantity of medicines that was used has decreased

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