Jurox Popantel Allwormer Dog ( L ) 1tab 40kg


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Popantel 含有多種藥物組合,可有效對抗犬體內發現的所有主要內部胃腸道寄生蟲。
Popantel 經過專門配製,可消除通常與含有吡喹酮的製劑相關的苦味。有些狗很容易從手中接過藥片,大多數狗會在與食物混合時吃掉藥片。
Popantel 是一種廣譜驅蟲藥,用於狗治療: 
  • 圓蟲:犬弓蛔蟲和獅子弓蛔蟲
  • 鉤蟲:巴西鉤蟲、犬鉤蟲和狹頭鉤蟲
  • 鞭蟲:鞭蟲
  • 絛蟲:犬復孔絛蟲(跳蚤絛蟲)、綿羊帶絛蟲、豌豆帶絛蟲、棘絛蟲和細粒棘球絛蟲(棘球蚴絛蟲)
  • 這些藥片可以與食物一起服用或單獨服用——有些狗會自己吃藥片
  • Popantel Allwormer 狗片劑 – 1 片/10 公斤
  • 適用於大型犬的 Popantel Allwormer 片劑 – 1 片/40 公斤
  • Popantel Allwormer 片劑可與其他療程同時服用,例如
  • Popantel 心絲蟲片或跳蚤和蜱蟲治療劑。
  • 幼犬在 2、4、8 和 12 週齡時接受治療,然後每 3 個月接受一次治療
使用說明(續) 狗 
  • 每3個月定期治療一次
  • 在包蟲地區,狗也應該每 6 週接受一次絛蟲藥片治療
  • 如果已知有鞭蟲,每 6-8 週使用 Allwormer 片治療一次
  • 懷孕或哺乳期母犬 在交配前或交配時、產仔前 10 天和產仔後 4 週進行治療
儲存 儲存 於30°C以下(室溫)
Popantel contains a combination of drugs which are effective against the complete range of major internal gastro-intestinal parasites found in dogs.
Popantel has been specifically formulated to remove the bitter taste normally associated with preparations containing Praziquantel.  Some dogs will readily accept the tablet from the hand and most will eat the tablet when mixed with food.
Popantel is a broad spectrum anthelmintic for use in dogs for the treatment of: 
  • Roundwrms: Toxocara canis & Toxascaris leonina
  • Hookworms: Ancylostoma braziliense, Ancylostoma caninum & Uncinaria stenocephala
  • Whipworms: Trichuris vulpis
  • Tapeworms: Dipylidium caninum (flea tapeworm), Taenia ovis, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia hydatigena &  Echinococcus granulosus (Hydatid tapeworm)
Directions for Use 
  • The tablets may be administered with or without food – some dogs will eat the tablets by themselves
  • Popantel Allwormer Tablets for Dogs – 1 tablet /10 kg
  • Popantel Allwormer Tablets for Large Dogs – 1 tablet /40 kg
  • Popantel Allwormer Tablets can be administered at the same time as other treatments such as
  • Popantel Heartworm Tablets or Flea and Tick treatments.
  • Puppies Treat at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of age and then every 3 months
Directions for Use  (continued) Dogs 
  • Treat regularly every 3 months
  • In Hydatid areas, dogs should also be treated every 6 weeks with Tapewormer Tablets
  • If Whipworms are known to be present treat every 6-8 weeks with Allwormer Tablets
  • Pregnant or Lactating Bitches  Treat prior to or at the time of mating, 10 days before whelping and 4 weeks after whelping
Storage Store below 30°C (room temperature)
Active Constituents
Praziquantel50 mg200 mg
Pyrantel Embonate143mg572mg
Oxantel Embonate542mg2168mg



10粒, 50粒樽

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