Selehold Spot On Solution Large (20.1-40kg) 3P 綠


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Selehold 驅蟲滴劑有助貓狗預防跳蚤、心絲蟲及蛔蟲等寄生蟲,使用一次能有效維持 4 星期。滴劑能通過殺死蟲卵和幼蟲來破壞其生命週期,避免重複感染。Selehold 驅蟲滴劑對貓狗常見的耳蟎、蝨子、鉤蟲及疥癬蟲等寄生蟲問題同樣有效。Selehold 驅蟲滴劑可同時有效預防心絲蟲,使用一次能有效維持 4 星期。Selehold 驅蟲滴劑可預防以下寄生蟲:
  • 跳蚤
  • 心絲蟲
  • 耳蟎
  • 蝨子
  • 鉤蟲
  • 蛔蟲
  • 疥癬蟲
Selehold 驅蟲滴劑適用於貓、狗及兔子。使用方法 將適量 Selehold 驅蟲滴劑用於貓、狗或兔子頸背後的皮膚上包裝數量 每盒附有 3 支滴劑 Selehold Spot-On Solution is a topical application for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations in kittens, puppies, cats and dogs for one month following a single dose. Each application will provide adulticidal, larvicidal and ovicidal protection, and may aid in the control of existing environmental flea infestations in areas your animal already has access, through a reduction in the flea population. It can also be used to treat ear mites, biting lice and intestinal roundworms, as well as sarcoptic mange in dogs and hookworms in cats.Selehold Spot-On can also be used in the prevention of heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis with monthly application as part of a heartworm prevention strategy.Prevention includes:
  • Flea
  • Heartworm
  • Ear mites
  • Biting lice
  • Hookworm
  • Roundworm
  • Scabies (Sarcoptic Mange) 
Selehold is safe to use in both cats, dogs and also rabbits.Application At the back of the neck once a monthPackage Size 3 pipettes in a box

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