Feliway Classic Spray 60ml


貨號: 3411112121854 分類: ,


Feliway貓咪費洛蒙能讓貓咪感到放鬆,那種是來自媽媽的味道. 是剛到新環境、不安、亂抓傢俱、亂咬人、亂尿尿的貓咪的家庭好幫手。Feliway特色:
  • 釋放母貓的費洛蒙味道讓貓咪感到放鬆
  • 不會對其他動物或家庭成員造成影響
  • 幫助貓貓減壓,舒緩緊張
  • 使用安全方便
  • 不屬於藥物或鎮定劑
  • 剛到新環境,感到不安的貓咪。
  • 有新成員加入,氣氛不融洽的家庭。
  • 無精打采,任何玩具都提不起興趣的貓咪。
  • 有亂抓傢俱、亂噴尿的行為。
  • 常有聲響、狗吠,造成貓咪緊張的環境。
  • 能幫助貓咪進入狀況、放鬆戒心、儘快習慣新生活。
 Feliway Spray is a synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromone, used by cats to mark their territory as safe and secure.By mimicking the cat’s natural facial pheromones, Feliway creates a state of familiarity and security in the cat’s local environment. As a result, Feliway can be used to help comfort and reassure cats while they cope with a challenging situation and help prevent or reduce the stress caused by a change in their environment.Feliway Behavior Modifier Refill:
  • Has no affect on humans or other pets
  • Helps reduce stress
  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Not a drug or tranquilizer
  • Releases natural pheromones to calm pets

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